Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Everything was chaotic outside. The hunters were attacking the wolves and the hybrids. Everyone was attacking each other. Everyone except the girl, Denise. She sat back, watching everything with a smile.

"Hit her." I whispered to Alena. With Emmett's great depression, he couldn't help us in this war. I couldn't control my power well without it extending to someone else. So, we were left with Alena.

She clasped her hands together. Minute passed by as I watched her hand turn from pale to a fire blazing red. "What are you doing?"

"It's called a fire ball." She held out her hand to show me a ball of fire I didn't see before. I only saw it for a few seconds before she threw it at Denise. She took notice of the ball coming at her and stepped back.

"You can't do anything else?" I asked, a wave a nausea passed over me.

"No, not unless I get close enough to touch her."

"What about that friend of yours? Where is she?" I asked. Maybe she had an ability that would actually be useful right now.

"Bailey controls mates." She informed me, thinking that would stop ant plan forming inside my head.

But it didn't.

We could use that to our advantage. We could give the hybrids and hunters mates. They wouldn't dare to kill their mate with the amount of love they would feel for her or him.

"Where is she?" Lena grabbed my hand, directing into the house. I was sure the plan would work. It had to work. It was genius. If it didn't work, I would be highly disappointed. She pushed through the doors of the pack house. It was at that moment I realized Austin was still resting. I had a feeling Beverley didn't get him up. After I left, they probably chased after me because Austin would kill them if anything happened to me. That left no one to get Austin. He was missing out on the war. I broke free from Lena's hold on me yelling, "I'll be back." I sprinted to Austin's house. The pack house wasn't far from his house, so I didn't have to run long. As expected, He was sprawled across the bed. I could actually hear him snoring which meant he was sleeping.

I shook him awake. He stretched his arms and yawned before looking up at me, "What's wrong?"

"They're attacking."

Austin didn't hesitated to shift into his wolf and run out the door. J didn't have to ask who because he already knew. I chased him outside until I got tired. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Alena and a girl who I assumed was Bailey. I wasn't happy to have brought her into this war with us.

"Where are they?" Bailey asked.

After a while of walking, we finally reached the area in which they were fighting in. Seth was using his hybrid strength. His eyes had darkened, but he hadn't lost control yet. I didn't see Amy vampires, not Vladimir, Vincent, or anybody in his coven. I couldn't spot Austin due to the blood splattered on everyone fighting, literally. It was easy to find the mated couples, they were fighting next to each other. I found Monica and Carson partially because I have seen their wolf before and because they were fighting along side each other. Under other circumstances, I would've considered it one of the sweetest and cutest things I have ever seen. But knowing we were in war, I couldn't exactly say that.

"Alena, protect Carson and Monica." I ordered. Alena obliged without protest. I focused on Bailey next. She swallowed nervously. "Give the hunters and hybrids mates, not including Seth."

Her eyes flickered around the scene until landing on me. She nodded which I hoped meant she had dome it. If she did, it didn't help. Everyone was still attacking each other. I guess loyalty lies within the pack, not to their mate or anything else. What were we supposed to do now?

I looked at Alena, who was still protecting Carson and Monica. I looked around, searching for Austin. I didn't know how I didn't notice before that there were three wolves fighting against five hybrids and two hunters. No doubt, it was Carter, Austin, and Jonathon. Carter seemed to be going through them with ease. I could say the same for Jonathon, but not for Austin. One of the hybrids seemed to have an advantage over him, and he was using it.

He sunk his hand into Austin's stomach. When he withdrew, his hand was covered in my mate's blood. Austin fell to the ground. I could've sworn I heard Carter whimper. After that, all noise was drowned out from the sound of my cries. My knees were wobbling until I could no longer hold myself up and fell to the ground. I had no energy left. I could barely breathe.

Using whatever strength I had left, I crawled over to Austin. I dodged all the dead bodies and the people fighting around me. The only goal, or target, I had at the moment was Austin. I had to reach him. I had to come to his aid. The blood nor anything else mattered to me. When I reached Austin, he had shifted back into his human form. I ignored his nudity. It was the least of my worries. His chest was barely moving, indicating he was still living. His eyes were closing, and I did my best at keeping them open.

"Austin, keep your eyes open!" I yelled. I wasn't sure if he could hear me. His eyes kept fluttering open then close. "You can't die. You can't because I love you!"

"He's not going to make it." An unfamiliar voice said from behind me. I turned around and spotted her, Denise. I wish I could rip her head off, but I wasn't that strong. Even with the fact that I used to be a hunter, I couldn't do that. I could possible break her arm, but nothing else. "You should probably let me finish him off."

"What do you want? We never did anything to you."

"You haven't, but he has." I looked at a bit confused. She sighed, "I never asked to be a mixture of a vampire and werewolf. I didn't even know they existed until the day I went on a camp with Cornelius. You see, I wasn't the only one who changed on that day. Cornelius did also, but he was conscious long enough to make it home while I wasn't as lucky. But your boyfriend -"

"Mate." I corrected.

"Whatever. He changed me, and this is my sweet revenge."

Someone cleared their throat from behind her. "Excuse me. Your forgetting something." Denise turned around, a quick snap was heard. "I don't like trespassers, and you did exactly that when you stepped onto my territory without my permission."

I watched as she fell to the ground, dead. Beside her body was a guy I haven't seen around in Austin's pack. Behind him were a group of wolves.

"Who are you?"

"Danny, and when I make alliances, I tend to stick to them. Now, excuse me while I protect your pack, Luna."

With that, he disappeared. I could tell from our first encounter, he was ruthless. But it didn't matter because as of now. He was my pack's protector.

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