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Instagram: myeshalashay121


       Danny and his pack wiped out half of their opponents. Vladimir and his coven came a while later and wiped our the rest. Some of the hunters were fortunate enough to make it out before they were killed. It seemed that Vladimir was strong. But it was hard to laugh about his age when I didn't know if my mate was going to live or not. He was losing a lot of blood, fastly. I think Carter mind-linked the pack's doctor. When she arrived, Carter helped Jonathon to take me to Austin. No one wanted to say anything to me, more than likely because they sympathized for me. They would go with Danny's pack if Austin didn't make it out alive.

       "You know I could accept the title. The pack wouldn't have to split up. I'd do it for him, Austin." Carter said once we were made it to the pack hospital. I forgot to block my thoughts, but I didn't care as of right now.

       "Thank you." With the pull I felt with Austin, my legs were able to guide me in his direction. Unfortunately, I was stopped by someone. "What's going on?"

       "I'm sorry, Luna, but you can't go in there."

       "This isn't an actual hospital. It's for werewolves, so stop acting like it's for humans! We both know there aren't any human around here!" I yelled, frustrated. Maybe, I was overreacting, but it was worth it.

       "You're not overreacting." Said Carter. He was beginning to annoy me which meant it was time for me to start blocking my thoughts.

       I decided not to respond to Carter. Instead of taking a hint, he wreaked his arms around my waist. The nurse took notice of this, and stared at me in distaste. "She's with me, and I want to see my brother." He kissed my cheeks to prove his point. I elbowed him in his side, wiping my cheek. He ignored it s little bit, but he still cringed at the contact.

       "But-you-" She sighed, "Very well. Go ahead."

       Once we were away from her, I pulled away from Carter. "What was that?"

       "They weren't going to let you through because they know you care about him. It would hurt you if you saw him in the state he is in. I saw how bad you wanted to see him no matter what predicament he was in, so I found a way you could see him. By saying you are with me." He shrugged it off.

       I didn't ask any further questions as we came closer to Austin's room. My heart beat was rising the closer I got to him. We came to a stop just outside his room. Carter turned to look at me. "I'm fine."

       That was all the confirmation he needed to open the door. I ran to Austin, hugging him the best way I could. His skin was paler than ever, but I love his scent. I didn't notice I was sniffing him like a cat until Carter started chuckling. I glared at him; he only held up his hands in surrender. I rested my head against Austin's chest, looking at the sheets drenched in blood. He really was bleeding heavily. The weird thing is that I didn't hear a heart beat. They didn't have the machine to check his heartbeat, so I didn't know if it was only me or not. They called this a hospital. I scoffed just thinking about it.

       Carter looked at Austin, raising an eyebrow, then ran out the door. A few minutes later, he came back in with a man with him. Judging from his clothing, he was a doctor. He placed two fingers on Austin wrist, did some check-ups, and turned to us. He shook his head, silently.

       I saw a single tear escape Carter's eye. He did his best to wipe it away without me noticing, but more came pouring out after he wiped it away.

       No heartbeat.

       It finally hit me why he shook his head. Austin didn't make it. I, absent-mindedly, wrapped my arms around Carter and sobbed into his chest. It felt like my whole world came crashing down around me. The tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably.

       And then there was a cough. "You better get your hand from around my mate, Carter." A weak voice said from behind us. I didn't even notice Carter's hand were around me, but they were. His shirt was soaked from where I was crying on him. I slowly turned around to find Austin lifting up his sheet. "Dumb doctor didn't check to see if I was healing or not. Tell me why I assigned them as doctors in the first place?"

In one motion, I was hugging Austin again. The hole, where the hybrid stuck his hand through his flesh at, was completely healed. "But your heartbeat?"

       "I spoke to the moon goddess. She gave me another chance to be happy with you."

       I could only smile.


       As Austin, Carter, and I stepped outside, we could only be happy that most of our pack members didn't die. Danny had come to say his farewell in the hospital, and Austin, quite rudely, fired half of the pack doctors. Now, they were ordinary wolves.

       Alena came from the woods, carrying Bailey. Her body was limp, and a hole was in the area where her heart was supposed to be. "What happened?"

       "One hunter came back." She managed to say in-between gasps. "She stabbed her before running off." She looked between Austin and I, "If a vinal dies, their power transfer to a relative or to the nearest vinal. Apparently, I was the nearest vinal."

       I didn't know how to respond. I kept opening and closing my mouth until I decided I should just not say anything. Carter helped to take Bailey in the house, leaving Austin and I alone. At least Austin didn't have to work with hunters. He didn't have to ask Jefferson for help. Actually, Jefferson never came to the pack. Austin pecked me on the forehead.

       Seth came out of the house with a packed suitcase. Sandy arrived shortly after he came out in a car, my car to be exact. She got out and walked to Seth's car. I did a cheer before running to my car. I really did miss it.

       Seth pulled me until a hug after my reunion with my car. "I have to go."

       "I know." Seth wasn't the only one who needed to let go, I also needed to let go. I had a mate who could take care of me now. I needed to stop expecting Seth to be with me through everything. "I will miss you."

       "Don't cry." I didn't even know I was crying, but it explained why my cheeks began to itch. "I will miss you too. You are my only daughter, and you will always have a place in my heart and home if you ever want to come back. It could be like old times. You can call me everytime Austin here acts up. That's what dads are here for, right? To kick your boyfriend's ass when he gets out of control." Seth pulled something out of his back pocket. My bouncy ball from when I was younger. I almost forgot about it. "I know you might not need it anymore when you have your real mom with you now, but your real dad died. I want you to keep it as a reminder of him." Seth hugged me tighter before he walked to his car.

       Austin and I were once again left alone.

       I leaned against Austin's chest, watching as Seth and Sandy drove away. "Who would've thought?"

       "Thought what?"

       "That I'd be the mate of an alpha."

So this is the end.*wipes tear* I will miss writing about Allison and Austin for a while. Then, I will'll find out in the announcements. There will be an epilogue, so yeah.

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