Chapter Twenty-Two

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Twenty-Two

I walked slowly towards the direction I thought Austin's house was in. If I happened to be walking in the wrong direction, there would be no words to explain how I would feel.

"Miss, are you okay?" I didn't notice the police officer pull over next to me, nor the lights flashing. He glanced down at my bruised arms. I did my best at covering them up, but failed miserably.

"I'm unharmed." I faked a smile.

Glancing back down at my arms again, he locked eyes with me. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," I said with a nod. I only wanted to be left alone to find my mate. I missed him.

"Are you on drugs?" They questioned further.

"No, Stop asking me questions. I have the right to remain silent." I folded my arms across my chest.

"Ma'am, we want-"

"She said she's fine," a growl came from the woods. The voice was noticeable since it sounded like a melody to my ears - Austin. How did he find me?

"Who are you?" The office pulled out a flashlight from his belt pocket and flashed it in Austin's face. Austin covered face and moved back a little.

"I'm her boyfriend," my heart fluttered hearing him call me his girlfriend.

"Did you leave those marks on her arms?"

"What marks?" Austin pulled me to his chest, examining my arms. He wasn't too fond of the color, the swelling, or someone hitting me altogether. "I'm going to kill them!"

"Sir, that was a threat."

"It wasn't an empty threat, either. Now, I have to go. I think I'm innocent until proven guilty. You have no evidence to go on, so I'm innocent." A grin appeared on Austin's face. "Good day, officers."

He pulled me into the woods with him. There we were met with Vladimir, Carson, Carter, Seth, and Sandy.

The corner of Carter's mouth tugged up into a grin, "Don't tell me you found yourself in more trouble?"

I rolled and let Austin continue to drag me in the woods. In minutes, he shifted into his wolf. Since he couldn't talk, he nudged his head towards his back. I slowly climbed on after a while. He took off. I let the wind blow threw my hair, reaching my scalp. Austin's fur was warm and comforting. It felt good to be this close to him.

I didn't know until I woke up at his pack house. My head rested on something hard, strong. I lifted my head up and met Austin's gaze. I noticed his arms wrapped around my waist, firmly. I didn't want him to remove them, ever.

"Are you one of them?" I was confused by his question, "I threatened your sister - and brother. They didn't want to leave, so they told me what they were. Are you one of them?"

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