Chapter Fourteen

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Fourteen

       We left the man, Cornelius, by the pond. If he was to wake up, he would have to find his own way back home.

       Mariya, Monica, and I looked for another way out of the woods before someone else found us and put us in danger. If the pale girl and her minions found us, I was almost certain that Austin would find us before we found my mom. So now, we sit in the back of a taxi, trying to get to my mom.

      Monica gripped her head. If someone would've asked me a couple of weeks ago, would I have helped Monica? I would've said no immediately. But now, considering our friendship and circumstances, I would definitely say yes. "Are my thoughts bothering you?"

       "No, not you. Austin. He's trying to mind link me." She leaned her head against the front seat, groaning. "C-Can you try to barricade my mind link?"

       "I could try." I relaxed my mind since I didn't want a repeat of last time. I concentrated, like I did when I tried to block my thoughts from Austin, and placed my hand on Monica's back for comfort. Mariya looked at her auntie, concerned.

       Slowly, Monica started to sit up. "Thank you."

       "Auntie?" Mariya looked between Monica and I, "What just happened?"

       "Nothing." Monica reassured her niece.

       I touched the mark on my neck, "I thought the mark would help Austin find me. Why hasn't he found me?"

       "Maybe it's your power."

       That only led me to the question that I wanted to know the answer to everyday, "What am I?"

       "Ask your mom?" She tapped the driver's shoulder, "Turn right into that yard."

       The driver did as Monica instructed, pulling into a yard. As we came to a stop, Monica pulled a book out of her bag and threw it to me. She grabbed Mariya's hand, getting out of the car. I questioned the book that was in my possession. It looked old.

       "What is this," I got out of the car, holding the book.

       "Everything you will need to know when we enter this house." She walked to the door, taking one last look at me, "We might have to fight our way in."

       I felt the butterflies in my stomach as I felt myself getting nervous. While Monica knocked at the door, I looked down at the book again.

      "Hello? Who are you?" A girl answered the door, looking between Monica, Mariya, and I. She was too young to be my mom.

       "May I come in?" Monica asked. She completely ignored the girl request for her name.

       "No, I don't think so. Who are you?" She eyed Monica, "You don't look like the type that could afford to step onto this property, judging by your clothes. So answer me, or you wouldn't like what would happen if I ask again."

       I grabbed Monica's arm, "Come on this is obviously the wrong house."

       "It's not." She kept her eyes trained on the girl, "I'm no longer asking can I come in. I'm coming in."

       The girl balled her hands into a fist when Monica stepped in the house. Relaxing her hands, I saw the flames flicker in her palms. Even I knew that someone controlling fire in their hands wasn't normal.

       "Get out!" She ordered.

      Monica stepped forward, challenging the girl. "No."

       Fire was set near Monica's leg. She jumped out of the way just in time.

       She looked at me and mouthed 'Do something.'

       What was I supposed to do? I barely was able to control whatever powers I do have. She, also, shouldn't have provoked her. As if on cue, a lady cane waltzing down the stairs.

       "What's going on here?" She asked, taking in the scene. I watched as the flame disappeared when the lady placed her hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. "Excuse my daughter. She is short tempered. Isn't that right, Lena?"

       The girl, Lena, nodded. I could've recognized that voice anywhere considering the last time I heard it I was at least eleven. My mind flashed back to the ball that I used to remember her by.


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