Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Opening my eyes, I took in my surroundings. I was in Austin's room, but I don't remember coming back to the pack. I must have drifted off to sleep while with him, and he carried me back. It was the only logical explanation I could think of. The smell of bacon made its way into the room. I'm more of a hamburger and fries type of person for breakfast, if they weren't burnt. Today, I would make an exception because bacon was equally tasty.

Getting out of bed, I noticed Austin wasn't in the room. I would've thought he would be in here with me with his arms around my waist, but he was no where in sight. It wasn't weird; however, I didn't like the distance. It was overbearing, and I couldn't stand it. I made my way to the door lazily, pulling it open. My nose guided my legs to the amazing smell of bacon. I was a little surprised to see Austin making breakfast. He had everything ready, with the exception of the bacon, like: waffles, eggs, sausages, ham, yogurt, etc. My mouth watered from looking at it.

"Instead of staring, you could just grab a plate and eat." Austin said, not looking up or turning around to see me. I was too hungry to ask how did he know I was behind him, so I grabbed a plate. I placed a variety of the food on my plate, taking a seat at the table.

Taking my first bite, I moaned as the flavors exploded in my mouth. "I didn't know you were a great chef."

"You never asked." He placed the finished bacon down in front of me. Afterwards, he leaned down to give me a peck on the lips. I reached for a piece of bacon, resulting in him laughing.

"When is Jonathon coming back?" I asked.

I don't remember seeing him since the day we were attacked. I'm not one hundred percent sure because my memory isn't great. I probably have seen him after that, but I don't remember. The house was quiet after his disappearance. I hope he wasn't like their mom. I think she ran away although they're not sure what happened. I think they said she either ran away or disappeared. Wouldn't Jonathon feel if she was dead?

Thinking about it, Austin answered, "I think sometime next week."

He couldn't leave the pack to fight the hunters and the hybrids alone. He was their alpha before Austin; the pack still depended on him. Austin needed him. Austin hasn't been an adult forever, so he needed Jonathon to help him through this war. Plus, this would be the first war he would be in since he accepted the title not even a month ago.

Diana and Gerald came into the kitchen grabbing plates. The didn't even have enough respect to say hey before digging in. So much for manners. I thought sarcastically. I was glad Seth raised me better. They didn't even thank the chef.

Grabbing my food, I pulled Austin out of the kitchen. I made sure he turned off everything before leaving. Since I didn't allow him to get some food, I was going to feed him. I cut my waffles into four squares, covering them in blueberry syrup.

"Maybe I should feed you," Austin offered. I considered it, and I would've if someone hadn't came in and interrupted us.

"I'm glad you two have reconnected."

I ran to Jonathon and hugged. He was a good father-like figure to me. He was the one who told me to hear Austin's side of the story, so you could say he was one of the people I looked up to.

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