Chapter Seven

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Edited: 4/16/15

Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Seven

        I woke up the next morning with an arm wrapped comfortably around my waist. Knowing who it was, I turned around and cracked one eye open. "Austin?" He yawned while stretching his arms and opening his eyes. "Austin!" I kicked his stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. I was still mad and hurt that he had unwanted items in his bed. "Get out!"

       "What's wrong?" I caught a glimpse of hurt in his eyes, but it vanished quicker than it came. "What's wrong?"

       "You know what's wrong."

       Austin propped his elbow on the bed, "If I knew, I wouldn't have asked you."

       "You cheated on me! You had sexual intercourse on your bed!"

       "You would know if I cheated on you, babe." He positioned himself on the bed next to me, "As I recall you saying, we aren't a thing. But, did you throw it away?"

       I nodded, "Was it before you met me?"

       He sighed, "We'll talk about this later. Beverley is coming to watch you while I go out."

       "Isn't this your dad's place? Can't he watch me?"

       He sighed and grabbed his hand down his face, "I'm not alpha, yet, Allison." Right, how could I have forgot? "He is still the rightful alpha of the pack, so he has to come too."

       I thought of some other people who could've possibly watched me, "What about Monica?"

       He rubbed his chin, thinking about it, "I don't believe you and Monica get along well." At that moment, the doorbell sounded off. Austin guided me out of the room and towards the front door with him. He opened it, and Beverley was at the door. She smiled at me, but she was texting on her phone. He kissed my cheek, "I have to go, but I'll see you later."

       I frowned when he stepped out of the house, letting Beverley in. She looked up, momentarily, to smile at me. "Did he find out what you are yet?" I gave her a confused expression. She sighed while dragging her hand down her face, "He didn't tell you did he?"

       "Tell me what?"

       "It's not in my place to tell you," she said, taking a seat at the table. Knowing Beverley, it wouldn't have been long, before she actually told me anyways. "But, I could tell you that you weren't suppose to be able to push your thoughts into my mind like that. It was super wicked, and it left me with a headache. I'm not use to things like that. The only people that have been able to do that are witches, but you're no witch. You have no signs of being a witch. Most witches can't control their magic, so I highly doubt you are. We don't know what you are, but we are still trying to figure it out. Considering there are rare cases in which a witch can control their magic, I-"

       Once again, Beverley was starting to get a little bit too talkative. The door started to jiggle and I awaited the person that was about to enter. In the doorway stood Monica. I sighed in relief.

       She directed a fake smile at Beverley before saying, "You can go, Beverley. I'm taking over for now."

       Beverley stood up and grabbed her keys, "See you later, Ally. Monica, do you know where Carter is?"

       "I think he's doing rounds with Alpha Jonathon." She informed Beverley, opening the door for her to go out of. Beverley left without a word.

       "What was that for?" I asked, referring to the fake smile.

       "I underestimated you. I shouldn't have thought you were weak and went after you because you were a hunter." She said, apologetically.

       "Not that."

       "The smile?" She asked although she knew that was what I was talking about, "Trust me, I would rather be around you than her." Knowing it was more than that, I pressured her to go on. She sighed, but told me, "When Carson first found out I was his mate, she went after him. She pressured Carson into rejecting me because if he didn't, she was going to kill me. She's the third in command, and I'm not as strong as her. Carson's dad found out and threatened to kill her dad if she blackmailed Carson again. Nobody else knows about it other than the four of us and now you."

       I rubbed her back to provide a sense of comfort. "Who is Carter and Jonathon?"

       "Alpha Jonathon is Carter and Austin's dad. Carter is Austin's brother, and Beverley's sex buddy."

       I nodded my head, "What is-"

       Austin rushed back into the house, interrupting my sentence. A boy slightly taller than Austin was closer behind him. Next was a older man, but he didn't look old at all.

       "What's going on?" I asked suddenly frightened.

       "So you're my brother's beautiful mate?" The boy that was taller than Austin asked.

       "Not now, Carter. We have bigger problems,"Austin yelled, frustrated.

       "What's wrong?" I asked again.

       "Something's out there changing humans. Leaving, not only one, but two bites." He pulled out a map and pointed at some selected areas. He threw me a phone, "Call Seth!"

       I dialed Seth number. He answered on the third ring, "Hello?"


       "Allison?" He questioned with a sigh of relief, "Are you okay?"

       "Yes, we need your help."

"What's your location?"

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