Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

       After finding the body, we hid it. We didn't want any humans to find it. Monica wanted to hide it somewhere, so she could examine it.

       I decided to take Mariya around the area since we were currently looking for a way out of the woods.

       "So you're a werewolf." I asked Mariya, trying to start a conversation.

       "Yes, but everyone picks on my size. They say I'm too tiny for my age." She looked down and kicked a rock.

       "But you're tall."

       "Why isn't my wolf big like the other kid's?"

       "I'm not a wolf, little rock." I patted her shoulder. The woods were clear. "Do you want to see if a pond is anywhere nearby?"

       She clapped her hands while jumping, "That would be awesome!"

       I took her hand in mine, and we went searching for a pond or a lake. As the day went on, Mariya and I grew more attached. We found a pond a few miles away from where we were originally. I relaxed in the grass as Mariya dipped her hand in the water.
"It's so pretty here. I never want to leave," she admitted, bringing her hand out of the water. "Want to see something cool?"

       I ruffled her hair, chuckling. "Sure, little rock."

       She stood up and put her hand on her hips. "My friends in the pack call this the chicken dance." She poked her lips out and moved around in the circle, making chicken sounds throughout the whole thing.

       "That's enough, Mariya." Monica came from nowhere and grabbed Mariya's hand. Mariya pouted, placing one arm around my right leg. "Let go, Mariya."


       "Now," Monica demanded.


       Monica sighed when she realized that we couldn't get Mariya to let go of my leg. "Austin's been trying to mind link me, so I couldn't concentrate."

       "Have you spoken to him?" I did miss Austin. I couldn't only blame the mate bond because I knew it is a part of me that likes him without it. Maybe I like him a little more than what is healthy for me, but love is too strong.

       "No, but he's persistent. I can't ignore him forever when he's stronger than me."

       "Hey, auntie?" Mariya got Monica's attention and let go of my leg. I didn't look down at her, too wrapped up in my conversation with Monica.

       "Yes," Monica answered still looking at me.

       "Do you think I'm stronger than a powerpuff girl?"

       Monica chuckled, "You're the strongest person I know."

       "Do you think I have courage like courage the cowardly dog?" Mariya went on.


       "Do you think I can take on the hulk and his minions?"

       "Where is all this coming from?" Monica turned around and brought a hand to her mouth as she gasped.

       I looked to see what was going on, and a bulky man was standing before Mariya. She was trying to stand up to him like the tough little tiger she is. Behind the man was a girl. The surprising thing is that she was the girl that supposedly had died by the woods. The girl that Austin and Monica had been studying, and some people are searching for. She looked so pale, but very pretty.

       "It's flattering that you think I'm pretty." She twirled her hair around her finger, "But I've come here strictly for business. Get the little girl."

       The bulky man picked up Mariya as Monica ran at them. She only got halfway to Mariya before the pale girl caught up to her and threw her to the ground.

       "Let her go, please!" Monica begged.

       The girl chuckled, covering her heart like she found it all funny, "No. Although, we could make a fair trade. Bring me the men that were fighting that day I was killed, and I'll give you the girl."

        Monica looked at the girl bewildered. She couldn't betray her alpha, but she couldn't let them take her niece. She was only six! "N-No."

       I've heard that she's a crossbreed , but I didn't really know what she was. I'm not sure if anybody knew what she was. She looked like a toothpick with legs to me, but no one could deny she was drop dead gorgeous.

       "You really have no clue what I am, do you?" I shook my head. "It's too bad you got caught in something you know nothing about." She glanced at the guy who had Mariya, "But very well. There's no trade, Cornelius. Kill her."

       "Do something!" Monica looked at me and yelled.

       Panicking. I started to panic like I did the other day. If you ever saw one of those people who have froze under pressure on movies, I was one of them. I stood completely still, not moving an inch.

       "Do something!"

       I thought about Austin. The day I searched his room and found the condom. I might have been mad about the other thing I found, but the condom was the immediate reason I was mad. The day that Austin first brought me to his house and took me away from Seth. When he argued with Seth, kidnapped us, and even when he forcefully marked me.

       The bulky guy had dropped Mariya and was now gasping for air. He fell to his knees as the air left his lung. Mariya had shifted into her wolf. She was small around the size of a basketball. She was cute, but the man had my attention. Some time in the middle of the situation, Monica started calling my name.

       I looked at her, hearing the sound of a body fall unconsciously to the ground. I glanced over and saw the man lying there, not moving a muscle. The girl and the people she came with were long gone by now.

       "You're powerful," Monica whispered. "You knocked him unconscious."

       "Why did you bring me here?"

       Monica hesitated for a minute.

       "To find your mom." She took hold of Mariya's hand when she came towards her. "And we really need her. You're getting too strong."

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