Chapter Twenty-Six

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Twenty-Six

It took all of Seth's strength to get the two apart. He nearly exposed the very existence of hybrids, and Austin almost exposed the existence of werewolves. Both Austin's and Seth's eyes were beginning to darken. Seth's claws were digging into Austin's shoulder, and Austin was struggling to keep control of his wolf. I figured that out when fur began to appear on his arm. It was more or less creepy seeing parts of his body covered in fur.

I didn't want this to happen here. Jefferson had a couple of bruises on his face, not to mention the big print where Austin punched him. He had a few scratch marks on his arm, but nothing serious. Austin, on the other hand, was completely red on his arms. He had two large fingernail marks, where Jefferson clawed at his face with his bare hands, on his face. They looked painful, but if we didn't get him out of the restaurant soon, everyone in the restaurant would see the marks heal. People were already staring at us because of the scene they caused.

I reached for Austin arm, trying to pull him along with me. "Come on. Not here." I tried, but he still didn't budge. "He didn't do anything wrong."

"Nothing wrong?" He looked at me, for the first time, in disbelief. "He kidnapped you!"

Maybe I shouldn't have told him that little bit of information. He was thinking it before I told him, but I shouldn't have confirmed it. I lowered my head when a couple turned their heads to look at us. No doubt, this was going to be in every paper tomorrow. The scratches were beginning to heal also. I tried once more to pull Austin with me. Like last time, he didn't move an inch.

"If you don't come with me, I'm leaving you." I threatened. I didn't mean it; I only wanted him to come with me.

No response. He must've knew I was bluffing. Remembering I didn't block my thoughts, I swore to myself. Austin smirked. It wasn't too noticeable since he wasn't looking at me, but it was there.

Seeing my magic as the only way to get out of this, I concentrated. All my thoughts went to one specific person, Austin. After a minute or two, Austin, Seth, and Jefferson began to float an inch above the ground. I hoped no-one would notice as I dragged them out. It wasn't until I got outside that I dropped them.

Something connected in my mind. Jefferson wasn't a wolf. I moved all of them with my mind. That was proof enough I didn't control only werewolves. I would have to talk to Diana about that later.

Turning to the boys, I glared at them. I focused mainly on Austin, "What was that?"

"We were having a much needed conversation." Austin said, not giving it much thought.

"Really?" There was heavy sarcasm behind my voice. I didn't know where it was coming from, "There wasn't much talking."

"I don't converse with my mouth. I do it with my fist." He sent a glare Jefferson's way.

Great, they just ruined a father-daughter day out for me. I will forever remember this. I shoved Austin a little rougher than I meant to, "He's helping us, and you'll have to get use to it. The hunters are coming - in what? - Two days now. Instead of fighting someone who could help us, you could prepare the warriors in your pack." I yelled. I, then, switched to Jefferson. "Will you help us win this war?"

"Depends, will your idiot of an mate help me tie my dad down so he doesn't enter this war with the rest of the hunters?" Jefferson tried to make a deal.


"Yes, he will." Austin sent a glare my way. I do indeed love this stubborn man.

"Great, I'll get some hunters." Jefferson took off in the other direction. I figured he knew where the pack was located. The hunters were watching us after all.

"I'll help him?" Austin asked me. It was like he was saying 'Do you honestly think that'll happen?'

"You should take this the deal into consideration," Seth offered. I didn't notice he was almost in the forest. Another way you can tell I don't study my surroundings. "I'm going to find Jonathon."

"He isn't here. He hasn't been here for a while, or at least I haven't seen him." That explains why I didn't see him the day I went to the party and earlier today. I really needed to start paying attention to things around me. I'd end up walking into a sinkhole if I go at this pace. Seth continued to walk towards the woods. I guess he figured out where the pack was located, but I still didn't. Or he might wanted to go for a run in his hybrid form.

Changing the subject, I asked, "What did Danny say?"

"Her name is Denise, the hybrid that was in the middle of our fight the night she changed, and she's been attacking his pack also. He wants to form an alliance, and kill them all, not including Seth. He also wants the hunters dead, not you and Seth." He didn't say Jefferson. What about Jefferson? "He'll be fine."

Austin looped his arm with mine, intertwining our hands. His grip was firm, everything about him sent sparks through my body. It was amazing. He walked with me back to his house. It was beautiful outside. What could possibly go wrong? I had everyone I cared about with me, I spent the day with Seth and Austin. Tomorrow, I would get to know Alena and Emmett. The day after that we would be waiting at our borders for the fight with the hunters. With the knew information about Danny, I was hoping he would be there to fight with us. My only wish with him was that he wasn't as cruel as I had heard others say he was. I also would be extremely ecstatic if he wasn't cocky and found his mate. There were far too many wolves in Austin pack that fit into those categories.

"Don't worry. It's against pack laws for an alpha to harm another alpha's mate." He soothed, tightening his hold on my hand. "You're safe with me. Only think about me, your mate."

I felt safe with Austin, yes. But when he said mate, I could only think about completing the mating process. What had Austin done to me?

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