Chapter Two

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Edited: 3/21/15
Re-Edited: 01/18/18

Chapter Two

I came downstairs to find a cup of orange juice and french fries on the table. Seth had never been big on breakfast hence why breakfast was never really breakfast. I sat down to eat the fries and opened a newspaper. I read the headline "Wild Animal Kills Again!" I snorted at the cluelessness of these people. They were no different than I was before, knowing nothing of what really was going on around them. Seth looked up at me raising a brow curiously. He was cooking burgers, another result of him not knowing what was considered real breakfast. He snatched the newspaper away from me and read.

"They know that this is a lie." He flipped the page, "They know that girl was killed by something inhuman."

"How do you know?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "It could be a wolf."

"Due to the bite mark they spotted on her stomach, I would suspect a vampire to do this. But there are some scratches on her legs which could only mean—"

"A werewolf." I said, finishing off his sentence. "Maybe she got in the middle of a werewolf-vampire war. That still doesn't explain why they should know this."

He huffed, "Hunters are everywhere, searching for the nearest supernatural creature."

"Okay." I snatched the newspaper away from him when I smelt something burning, "Check your food."

He turned around and swore. He flipped the burgers and took them off of the grill. He placed a burger in front of me, but I rejected it. Did he expect me to choke off of the roasted brick?

Seth turned towards me. I saw the concerned expression he had plastered on his face, "So, Allison, I have to talk to you about something."

"Yes?" I asked while grabbing a box of cereal off of the counter. I poured some milk and cereal inside of a bowl. Once I was finished, I faced Seth. "What'd you have to tell me?"

"I got a job. The other hunters are saying that it's a powerful werewolf there. An alpha to be exact."

I stuffed a mouthful of cereal in my mouth, "Okay? Where is this headed?"

"I'm going to have to work which means I can't be home. If I can't be home, I can't homeschool you. If I can't homeschool, you would have to go to—"


"Stop finishing off my sentences, Allison."

"I don't want to go to school, Seth. The kids will bully me. They'll say I'm weird and ugly."

I honestly didn't care what anybody said about me, Seth had taught me to block people out. I'm just use to being homeschooled that I can't wrap my finger around the concept of going back to a public school. I've accepted my lifestyle of being lonely. I grew up lonely, especially without my parents.

Seth cupped my face, "Allison Richard, any daughter of mine is down-right adorable." He kissed my forehead in a fatherly manner, "You still have school in the morning."

He walked out of the kitchen as I muttered a swear. At least he gave up on cooking. I placed all of the the burnt burgers in the trash bin. I placed the French fries in the oven because no one likes reheated fries. I poured my half eaten bowl of cereal out and placed the bowl in the dishwasher. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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