Chapter Six

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Edited: 4/16/15

Chapter Six

When Austin left me, I searched everywhere for a phone with no luck. Seth was going to be freaking out if he wasn't already. The school's administrator probably called and informed him of me being missing.

I hated Austin, but I had to like him due to the mate bond. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't just reject him, could I?

I turned towards the door, ready to try my luck with picking it, when the door opened, causing me to fall on the ground. Seriously? The door was unlocked the whole time.

"No, I have the key." A girl said as she walked in. I gave her a how-did-you-know-what-I-was-thinking look, and she laughed. "Wipe that expression off your face, I can read every one of your thoughts. What did the alpha say? You're like an open book."

I forgot about their abilities to read mines, again.

"Actually, it was Carson, but where did you hear that?" I asked confused. She was no where around when he said that, so how could she possibly know that?

"I know everything about the alpha."

"And who are you?" I was getting offensive due to this mate bond.

"Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Beverly Martin." She chuckled, bitterly, before holding out her hand for me to shake. Last time I tried that with a werewolf, it didn't end well for either of us, so it was safe to say that I didn't take her hand. "Don't worry, I'm not a stalker. I'm his third in command, and since I'm a girl, he thought it would be a good thing for us to be friends. That means that I will have to be with you everywhere you go, but for protection, you know? They say it's rare for a girl to be a third in command, but I think-"

A minute of being around this girl, and I could already tell she was going to be a pain in my ass. She's pretty, I'll give her that, but she's talkative. A little too talkative. They wanted to get rid of her for her to only annoy me.

She gasped and covered her mouth, "Oh my God! Am I talking too much?"

I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying yes, "No. Not at all." Even while trying not to, my words were dripping with sarcasm.

Beverley obviously didn't hear the sarcasm, "Great because my friends say I talk too much? Personally, I believe I need to tell my friends about my life for us to actually be friends. My friends keep pushing me to find my mate, but I don't want to. I think my mate will ruin my talking. At least that's what I heard my parents say one day. They said-"

"Wait, you have friends? Like real, live, walking, and talking friends?"

This may come as a shock to you, but I'm surprised she even has friends. She talks a lot, and judging by that, I'm guessing she gossips a lot. A person who gossips a lot, doesn't really have that many friends, due to their, you know, gossiping. Well, I'm judging by movies and personal opinions since I've never been a interactive and social person.

"Yes, where have you been this whole time?" I had stopped paying attention to her halfway through her speech, "Anyways, I heard my parents one day talking, and they said 'I think Beverley would get out of her talkative stage once she has found her mate.' And I was so scared. I never want to stop talking. Its scary. Have you tried it? I mean like-"

I'm basically screaming inside my head for her to be quiet. I know she can hear my thoughts, so she has to be trying to ignore them.

She gripped her forehead, "Wow, you're pushy."


"I mean that you pushed your thought inside of my head." She gives me a worried look, "No human has been able to do that. I've ignored many humans, but you just pushed your thoughts inside anyways. It's creepy. You're different. I mean you're not-" she gasped, covering her mouth.

Where was Austin, this girl was really creeping me out. As if on cue, the door opened and at the doorway stood Austin. I ran to him, which says a lot, and embraced him.

"This is some welcome compared to how I was treated earlier."

"Forget earlier." I kiss his cheek, "Never leave me again, baby. You don't know how worried I was about you."

He eyed Beverley and smirked. "I see what's going on. Beverley, you can leave. I'll mind-link you tomorrow about watching Allison until I get back from checking my territory."

"Ok, alpha. " Beverley glanced at me before looking at Austin, "Alpha Jackson, may I speak to you about something, privately?"

"Sure, can it wait?"

"I'm afraid not." She glanced at me again, "It's about your mate."

He left my side and exited the room with Beverley. I waited around, messing with everything in sight. I searched through his bathroom cabinets and under his mattress until I came across a unpleasant sight. I found a condom in his bed. I may not want to be his mate, but I am his mate and that discovery hurt.

Austin came back in the room a minute later, looking skeptical. I pushed my discovery behind a pillow.

"Did Beverley get a little...talkative?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"Yes, and please, never leave me with her again."

"I don't know, I liked the show. It was nice having you call me baby, kiss me, and say you missed me for a change." I groaned, inwardly. "I'll try to bring you with me as much as possible, but you will have to get use to her. She is around...a lot. Plus, she's my brother's slut. Well, she everyone's slut. She's the pack's slut."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. Well, that explained why she had friends. Whether any of them were a girl was another thing.

I suddenly found myself against a wall with Austin up against me. He was breathing heavily. "Is Seth supernatural?"

"I don't think so, no." I said, wondering what he was getting at. "Why?"

"Beverley witnessed some weird things, and I wanted to know about your family."

"Seth isn't my real dad. He adopted me." I informed him. It wasn't like he knew. He wasn't as school the day I introduced myself, and I hadn't told him, so how was he to know?"

"Do you know your real parents?"

"They got rid of me when I was eleven. I barely remember anything back then."

He nodded his head and pressed up against me some more, "I've missed you a lot. I couldn't get you off of my mind."

"Really?" Remembering the condom and thong, I reached behind the pillow to pick them up. "Then what's this?"

"That? That's an-um-a-" I waited impatiently for an answer. "I have to go receive something from Carson, so I'll talk to you later."

"Austin!" I screamed as he slipped out the door. It was too late, he was already gone.

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