Chapter Fifteen

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Fifteen


        Although I did run away, it did hurt that she openly gave me away. She didn't even visit after she let Seth adopt me. "How does it feel to see me again?"

       "Allison, I'm so sorry for giving you away. It's just that man-he looked so right for you-like he could protect you from things that I couldn't."

       I rolled my eyes. I then looked to the girl that was watching everything. I nodded in her direction, "Didn't take long for you two to move on. How could you two have another daughter? What makes it even worse is that she only looks a couple of years younger than me."

       I noticed when she looked down, but tried to cover it up with a forced smile. I gave her a pointed look, "She's not my biological daughter."

       I raised an eyebrow, "You adopted?"

       "No, your father cheated on me the year after I had you!" She looked down at her nails, messing with them. She did everything she could not to look at me, "Her mother walked out on her two years after you left, and that's when your dad finally told me. He wanted her to stay with us, so I took her in as my own."

       I looked at the Lena's hands. She had to be like me if she could control fire. "Where is my dad."

       "In Canada."

       "What am I?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

       "Y-You're a-" She struggled to find words. "-Vinal."

       "What's a Vinal?" I asked since I had no clue what it was. It sounded made up, so I burst out laughing. Monica glared at me as if telling me to be quiet and listen.

       "Did you even open the book when we were outside?" She pointed at the book that I was holding to my chest. I couldn't lie and say I had. She sighed, "Allison, read it."

       I opened the first page of the book, and Lena was quick to be by my side. The book was filled with people demonstrating a power of some sort. I thrust the book in Monica's hands.

       "What is this?"

       She placed the book on a table, "I researched your family. Your mom, Diana, comes from a long line of powerful Vinals." I glanced at Diana. I didn't expect her to be a Vinal, whatever that was. It was a possibility my dad could be one because his daughter is one. "Your great grandmother was a powerful Vinal, but she wasn't good. She was dark, and her power consumed her. She ended up taking down a whole town, so some other Vinals had to execute her. When I say it took a lot of them, it took a lot of Vinals to get her tied down. Your grandmother was born before your great grandmother was executed, but she did get her mom's power. Werewolves killed her because they found her as a threat because of your great grandmother. That left your mom. You, I just found out that you ran away, but I don't know anything about your mother other than she comes from a long line of Vinals."

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