Chapter Twenty-Four

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Twenty-Four

I woke up to a bright light hovering over me. It was eye blinding bright. I shielded my eyes from the light while sitting up.

"Where am I?"

Austin's figure came into view, "You're with the pack's doctor. Some idiot gave you some type of wolf drug that is and always was prohibited in my territory." Even when speaking to me, I noticed he glanced to the right. I followed his eyes and found Monica and Carson sitting down.

"It's fine. I'm alright." I said, reaching for his hand.

"No, it's not. That idiot could've led you to death." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Like Beverley was disrespecting your mate, you're disrespecting mine." I noticed Carson tighten his hold on Monica's waist.

"Well, tell your mate to stop putting my mate in harm's way."

"Tell your mate to stop being so careless to find trouble everywhere." Carson said, leaning forward. Monica was watching everything, and I could tell she was worried. I don't know if she was trying to comfort Carson or calm him down, but she kissed him. "Everyone knows it, Monica."

Austin shifted into his wolf in front of my eyes. Carson stood up, placing Monica in the chair beside him. Although I was still weak, I got up. I didn't want to find out what would happen next, so I tried to prevent it.

"What are you doing, Carson?" I held my arms out in front of him.

"He's challenging me." Carson tried to maneuver around me, but I moved with him.

"No, you wouldn't make it out of this fight alive." I tried reasoning.

"You've never seen me fight." He said before shifting into his wolf.

A black wolf wolf with white paws and ears stepped into view. I felt the power vibrating off of him unlike the other wolves I came into contact with. Even with Carter and Austin, I couldn't feel their power.

They seemed to be having a conversation through their mind-like, Austin and Carson that is. The other wolf only looked between the two. I couldn't help but feel their was something else to this black wolf. Having competed their conversation, Austin and Carson shifted back. However, they didn't stop glaring at each other. The next to shift was the black wolf. His dark hair stood out of place, disheveled. His jaws was defined as well as his chest.

Stop Allison! I scolded myself for openly checking someone out. I wasn't in the least but attracted to him, but I felt something towards him. It wasn't a like or dislike; some unexplainable connection.

He smirked at me, "Don't tell me yo forgot me already?" I looked away from him, not wanting him to figure out I had forgot him. "Cameron."

Now, I remembered him. He was the one with the beta who disturbed our pack. I was sure he came on to me. I couldn't really remember; my memory was a little foggy. I heard an animal-like sound escape Austin. "He did what?" I muttered under my breath, momentarily forgetting to block my thoughts. "Before you tell me why you're here, I want Jarren off my land."

Cameron nodded and stared into empty space, "He's gone."

"Why are you here?" Austin got straight to the point.

"Watch the tone. You are talking to another alpha, not one of your pack members. I'm a high ranking wolf, so I deserve respect." Cameron took a seat on the hospital bed I was previously in. "Besides, I would accept anyone I can get at the moment." Even Austin saw when he jerked his head in Carson's direction. Carson looked like he was talking my this into consideration. Judging by the look Monica was giving him, he was going to get hell from her tomorrow.

"You're not taking anyone from my pack," Austin promised.

"Relax, I think he's too loyal to leave you, anyways. I came to talk business." He looked at Austin and I; his tone was coated in seriousness. "Danny is threatening us. He wants to declare war on my pack."

"And I guess you're asking if we could form an alliance?"

"That would be helpful. I already called Scott; he will back me up if I need him. But, I'm not only looking for alliances."

"No," Austin dragged out the word like he understood what he was implying. I had no clue what was going on, "You want to join packs. Everyone knows if we join packs, we would be-"

"Unstoppable. Exactly."

"Why is Danny coming after you. He has the strongest pack, and his pack is larger than yours. He has no reason to come after you unless you've done something worth his hatred."

"Jarren may have started something with him." He said calmly, shrugging his shoulders like it was something he did everyday.

"Your dog is getting out of control," Austin looked at Cameron with distaste.

"Your mate is always finding trouble. What's the difference?" Cameron gave me a once over. "Do we have a deal?"

"No, off my land in thirty minutes or I'll send every fighter in my pack, including myself, to hunt you down and kill you."

"You well regret this," Cameron warned, getting up from his spot on the bed.

"Carson will escort you out."

Carson grunted, but obeyed his alpha. Monica was behind Carson, not wanting to leave him alone with the big bad wolf. I still couldn't shake the funny feeling I had felt about him. It wouldn't leave. The only two remaining in the room was Austin and I. I felt safe and happy with him being here. On the other hand, Austin looked nervous and uncomfortable with the silence.

"So-" Austin started, rubbing his neck awkwardly. He was about to speak again, but Sandy and Seth came in. I swear it seems as if those two had something going on.

"Allison, I'm glad you're okay." Sandy said while Seth took me into his arms. It was like a father-daughter reunion of some sort. Family love was something I only felt with Seth because he raised me since I was a little girl.

"I'm leaving," he mumbled into my hair. I didn't say anything until I processed the words. I jerked back, "You don't need me when you have Gerald, your real dad."

"That's where your wrong," I managed to say through the hurt I was feeling from another person handing me over. "Gerald didn't buy me a car and taught me how to drive it when I was sixteen. Gerald didn't teach me how to ride a bike when I was eleven. Gerald didn't joke with me, have fun with me, or play video games with me until early the next morning. Gerald didn't hold me when I had nightmares, and he didn't take care of me like a child was supposed to be taken care of. You did, and no one could replace you Seth because you've done more things and loved me more than my real family has ever done. You're my father, my real dad, and I want you to say."

I felt him visible relax. He mumbled something into my hair, but I ignored it. If he was really leaving, I wanted to spend the next moments with him. The person who raised me as his own, my dad. I wasn't ready for him to let me go, not yet.

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