Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

       It has been a week since I have last seen Seth. Austin told me he was protecting me by keeping him away from me. It was also rare for me to see Austin these days with him preparing everyone for war. I've tried convincing him to leave the kids out of the fight, but he insisted. With everyone in his pack preparing, he left me with Vladimir and his coven of vampires.

       "Darling, I can assure you we don't bite. At least not your kind."

       I felt my heart beating fast inside my chest. I didn't know if he figured my secret out or not, "Witches. You're a hunter as well. If I bite you, and you change, I will be responsible for a fast, mind reading hunter who will not only hunt us down with her new abilities, but use her witch spells as well."

       I sighed once I realized he hadn't figured me out. Diana did say people mistake our kind as witches. He would probably have me killed if he found out I was a Vinal, leaving Austin wanting to declare war on vampires. That was a war I didn't know who would win. While I had faith in Austin, Vladimir was fast on his feet. He could predict Austin's next move before he even did them.

       "I'm not a witch," I told him.

       "I know you are. The reason I haven't killed you myself is because you and your family can help me." He smirked at me, "Don't think I didn't notice Alena and Emmett out there. I'm not the only one that noticed."

       I told them not to use their powers. Now, I had to deal with Vladimir and his needs for me. There is only one person I felt comfortable talking,to about this - Seth.

       "Vladimir, I have to use the lady's room." It wasn't a total lie. I couldn't even remember the last time I had went to the bathroom.

       Vladimir nodded, so I got up from my seat. Reachng the door, I pulled at the doorknob. If Vladimir could read my mind, he sure didn't act like it. I know he wouldn't have let me out if he knew I was going to find Seth. I walked down the halls, checking everywhere for any wolves.

       I stopped, realizing I didn't know where Seth was. He could have been anywhere. I decided to look in the basement since it was the only place I knew where Austin hid things at. I could possibly find my bow and arrow down there.

       I ran towards the basement. At the entrance, I slowly descended the stairs. I didn't expect to find Seth there, because it would be too easy, but I did. But, we were separated by the bars Seth was behind.

       He was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, and his head in his hands. Noticing I was there, He looked up. "Get out, Allison! I don't want you to see me like this."

       "Like what?" I asked, getting as close to him as I could. The metal bars were making it hard.

       "Like a hybrid!" He shouted, looking up at me. His light blue eyes were turning darker by the second. "I'm a monster! A cold-hearted beast. Even with your mate trying to help me, I still can't keep it in."

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