Chapter Eight

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Edited: 4/16/15

Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Eight

       When Seth walked through the door, he wrapped me up in a hug. His bags were packed, and it looked like he was going to stay for a while.

       "I've missed you Allison." He placed a kiss in my hair. When he pulled back, he looked me in my eyes. "What is wrong?"

       "You remember the day I found my mate? We were looking for that girl that was caught in a vampire-werewolf war?" I asked, trying to jog his memory. When he nodded, I finished, "Well, the girl is back."

       "How is that possible? She was bitten twice! No human survives that." Seth was shocked. I could see it in his eyes. He could usually hide his emotions, but this was easy which meant it was bad.

       "I don't know the details, but Austin does."

       Austin came from the back room with his brother and father.

       His father, whom I have never talked to, held out his hand. My dad, Seth, reached for it, but I stopped him. "Dad, don't!"

       "You called me dad," Seth said with a smile that reached his cheeks. "Something must've happened?"

       I shrugged my shoulders, "Lets just say, I had a bad experience with shaking werewolves hands." My eyes flickered over to Monica. She was still here in case Austin decided to leave, again.

       "Werewolf." Monica corrected, getting out of her seat. "You had a bad experience with a werewolf. I'm only one. Lesson learned, in an arena, never shake hands with the opponent. Besides, I didn't know you back then, nor did I know you were Austin's mate." She looked at my dad and waved, "Hi, I'm Monica! I would offer you my hand, but you have been warned by Allison that that wouldn't be a good idea."

       Austin's dad cleared his throat, "I'm alpha Jonathon, and this is my oldest son Carter." He said grabbing Austin's brother, Carter. "This is my youngest as you should already know, Austin." He grabbed Austin. "It's a pleasure to meet the father of my son's mate."

       "Actually," Austin corrected, "He's not her biological dad. He adopted her."

       "I'm close enough to be her real dad, and nice to meet the man that kill for the benefit of nothing." I guess Seth couldn't control his temper around an alpha werewolf. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. While Seth could fight, werewolves had better strength.

       "I wouldn't test my patience, Seth." Seth looked at him, probably trying to figure our how he knew his name, "Your daughter let down her mind block, again." I groaned, internally. "I kill humans, hunters, to protect my family. Plus, if we didn't kill, the world would be overcrowded and full of war. We both know that everyone or thing couldn't live in harmony." I saw the twinkle in his eyes that said his words had a double meaning.

       "Right? Not a real family." Seth said sarcastically.

       Jonathon glanced at Monica, "Can you go retrieve Carson and Beverley, Monica. We will need them."

       Monica nodded her head, "Yes, alpha."

       He glanced at Carter, "Watch over your brother's mate."

       Seth looked at Jonathon, "Who is Beverley and Carson?"

       "Carson is my beta, and Beverley is my third in command."

       "I thought third in commands couldn't be girls," Seth admitted.

       "That's exactly why we need her. She's strong." Jonathon walked back towards the back room, "Seth, follow me. We need to go over some things that's why Carter will stay with your daughter. The rest are like you, almost clueless as to what's going on."

       I watched as Seth disappeared in the back. Carter walked over to me and grabbed my forearm.

       "Come on, Luna. We're going on a walk."

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