Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Austin's P.O.V

"Where is she?" I yelled a I flipped the table over.

The attack yesterday was an ambush to get me away from Allison. As soon as I left, they put their filthy hands on her. My wolf wants out, and I'm having a hard time keeping him in.

Carson entered the room with Beverley beside him. I wish they would get over whatever feud they have going on so we would have a better chance at finding my mate. She's their Luna, and they need her - I need her.

"Austin, We think the hunters and the hybrids have formed an alliance."

I peered at Carson, raising an eyebrow. This could be a clue to getting Allison back. I wish whatever it is blocking her scent from me would stop.

I took a seat on the far end of the room, "Go on."

"The attack was to distract us from their main focus - Allison. After we left, some students said they saw her get in the car willingly with Jefferson." Carson informed me.

Jefferson. The name made my claws dig into my flesh until I felt my bone. When I find him, I will rip his body apart until I feel blood slip threw my paws. I had to get my wolf under control before I did something I might've regretted. I couldn't find Allison with dangerous thoughts like the ones I was currently having.

"How would you know this?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat.

"We asked around, mainly students. Sandy didn't see her when school ended." Beverley added her input, "It's possible, Alpha. She could've went with them willingly. She is a hunter, and hunters get along with other hunters. Maybe she isn't the saint you once thought of her as. She didn't want to-"

Beverley was cut off by a low growl coming from me, "She would never go with them willingly, Beverley. Don't ever accuse your Luna of doing those things again. If I catch you speaking of her in such a way again, I will banish you from the pack. This is my first, last, and final warning. You're dismissed."

While Beverley left, Carson stayed behind. We are best friends, but I'd rather be alone right more. It isn't safe for anybody to be around me with my emotions all over the place. I'm crazy without Allison. Without her, I feel incomplete. My life feels like it has no purpose. I needed her.


"I'd prefer you call me Alpha Austin or Alpha Jackson."

"Austin, I've known you since I was barely even walking, and I know how you can get. We would have a better chance of finding her if you'd calm down." His words only calmed me a little, but not enough. "Do you remember when you were ten and Carter was fourteen? We went walking, and we lost your cousin. You were scared that your dad was going to kill us so you concentrated. Even with her faint scent, you found her. You even defeated a rogue that was twice your size to get her. We need that Austin now."

"But that was when Carter and I was close," I admitted. My brother and I had drifted apart since then.

"You think Carter would just give up your family bond over a girl? Rebecca?"

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