Chapter Five

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Edited: 4/16/15

Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Five

       The next day was good, that is until a new student showed up. I bet you can guess who he was.

       "Class I want you to make Mr. Jackson feel welcomed."

       I groaned inwardly. She told him to choose any seat he wanted, and big surprise he sat beside me.

       "I wonder if stalking is against the law?" He chuckled, "Seriously, what age are they suppose to kick you out at?"

       "Darling, I haven't gotten my title completely. I'm still working on it, but I prefer people to call me alpha."

       I remembered what Carson had told me yesterday. Alphas get their titles at eighteen, so that meant Austin was younger than eighteen. I face palmed myself. "Could my day get any worse?"

         "You get your first group project today. I want you to work with the person beside you." I spoke too soon, "'Ms. Richards since you're Mr. Jackson's partner, you wouldn't mind showing him to his classes, would you?"

       "It's not like I have a choice." I muttered to myself.

       "Pardon me?"

       "Nothing, Mr. Allen."

       A smirked made its way on Austin's face, "You should control your temper, Ms. Richards."

       "Wouldn't you love that." I said sarcastically. I grabbed my books off of the table, "I need to be excused."

       I headed out of the classroom without a second glance. I then remembered I needed information that only Austin could give me. It wasn't like I was mad at him or anything. Actually, he made me calm. Weird because the only person who made me feel like that was Seth.

       The bell rang signaling that it was time for us to go to our next class. Sadly, the person on the intercom ruined everything. 'Due to some altercations, you have to report to your second period class.'

       Great, now I would have to deal with Carson and Monica. Wait, didn't Carson say that he and Monica were mates? They were destined to be together.

       When I arrived at class, due to my luck, Austin was in there. Why didn't he show up the first time we had this class today?

       I walked over to Jefferson, who was staring intensely at Austin. He looked at me, "Rumor has it that he is their alpha."

       "Do you know why he is here?" I asked, curious to know did they know I was his mate.

       "No, I believe to watch over Monica since you punched her in her nose yesterday."

       I laughed, remembering our fight from yesterday. That was my first day at the school.

       Coach whistled to catch our attention, "I don't know why you all had to come to your second period class, but I have nothing planned. You can kill each other if you want. Not literally, but do what you want."

       With that, he went to the back.

       Carson walked over to be with Monica in his arms. He pulled me away from Jefferson, "I don't know how you got away from alpha yesterday, but I will not hesitate to break your arm if you touch my mate again."

       "Is that a threat I'm hearing, Mr. Greek." I stood on the tip of my toes, so I could whisper in his ear. "Lets not forget, I knocked your mates nose out of place yesterday. Imagine what I'd do if I feel threatened. Watch it, Carson. And if you threaten me again, I will not hesitate to rip your head off your neck."

       He let Monica go and threw me against the wall. His fingers were wrapped securely around my neck. I groaned when I heard a growl echo across the room. Moments afterwards, Carson was thrown back. Soft hands captured my waist and face.

       "Are you okay?" I nodded. He turned towards Carson, "What the hell, Carson? You don't hit girls."

       I stared at Austin in disbelief. Yesterday, he withdrew his hands when he was about to slap me. Now he's telling Carson that wolves don't hit girls? Such a hypocrite.

       "I should be telling you the same thing, Austin."

       Austin growled loudly, causing heads, that weren't already watching the drama unfold, to snap our way. "It's alpha."

       "Really? At a school full of the H.R. (human race)?" Austin seemed to think better of it and nodded.

       "Why did you defend her?"

       "She's my mate."

       Carson stumbled back. Humans were looking confused. Hunters jaws are dropped in disbelief. And werewolves were watching with wide eyes.

       "You have to be kidding me. A W.W. and a hunter? That hasn't been heard of."

       "In a while."


       Austin sighed and dragged his hand down his face, "This hasn't been heard of in a while."

       The hunters and werewolves were still standing back in utter disbelief. They were trying to grasp the concept of a hunter and an alpha being mates.

       Austin cupped my face, "You're coming with me."

       He grabbed my arm tightly before I could even protest. I figured since I wasn't going to stay with him yesterday, he was going to make me today. I guessed correctly.

       When we arrived at his house, he threw me against a wall. He cupped my cheeks and tilted my neck to the side. "If any of my pack members try to harm you again, I want to know. The only way I would be able to know that is if you were marked."

       I didn't know what a mark was, but I didn't have to be a genius to know I didn't want to find out.

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