Chapter Nineteen

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Nineteen

       "Stop!" I demanded as I pulled on Emmett's arm. He wouldn't release the hold he had on Austin. Austin was getting closer to his death every minute wasted.

       Austin fell to the ground, struggling to get air into his lungs. His coughing and wheezing wasn't lessening, and the person in control of his life was Emmett. Emmett's eyes had darkened, a charcoal black color. It didn't seem like his control over the situation was getting any better.

       "He can't," Alena informed me, placing her hand on my arm. I allowed her to touch my arm at first until it began to burn. Her hand was heating up every second that passed.

       I removed her hand from my arm and placed it on Emmett's. It seemed like the only way to get him to return to earth. Even though it was hard, I managed to remove her hand from my arm and place it on Emmett's. He snapped out of the trance he seemed to be in. Austin fell to the ground, sucking in as much air as he possibly could. Me, I focused my attention on Emmett. I shoved him against the wall, pressing my forearm tightly against his neck.

       "What do you control?" I asked, determined to get answers. This had to be my third time asking. Every time I asked, the answer was pushed back to some later day, never allowing us enough time to discuss it.

       Emmett's eyes searched the room until they landed on Alena. Once he got some kind of silent confirmation, he glanced back at me.

       "I can't control it." Emmett let his eyes drop to the ground, "I control death."

       "He isn't safe around people. It's the reason he doesn't talk to many people, nor do many people know about his gift." Alena filled in where Emmett left off. At least it explained why they both stiffened when I asked about Emmett's powers in the car on our way back from finding them and my parents.

       Austin stood up, staring into empty space. I wondered what he was doing until I heard footsteps approaching the basement. Within seconds, Carson was with us exchanging words with Austin. Austin nodded at me, and Carson was dragging me out of the basement. He dragged me to the game room where I found him and Monica when I was looking for my bow and arrow. He took a seat with a controller in his hand.

       The words Mortal Kombat were displayed on the screen. It was the same PlayStation game system as before. I loved the game because I was good at it. Seth had me to play the game numerous times before training. He claimed it would help improve my skills when it came time to hunt.

       To say Carson was surprised when I took the other controller would be the understatement of the century. "What are you doing?"

       "I've already beaten you at something you're good at. I might as well beat you at something you're great at."

       A smirk formed on Carson's lips, "And what did you beat me at that I was good at?"

       "On an average day, how much time do you spend with your mate?"

       The smirk vanished quicker than it came. It was replaced by a frown. A growl spread throughout the room, resulting in a satisfaction of my own. I sat back in the chair, not being able to hide the grin that had taken over my features.

       We spent two and a half minutes choosing characters. Carson got angry every time I chose the same character as him. To me, It was humorous, but to him it was pure torture. After choosing our characters, we were ready to fight. Beating someone three times in a game added on to my ego. While Carson's rage was boiling up inside of him, I was having an internal celebration.

       Carson stood up and threw his controller to the other side of the room, "I went easy on you, so you wouldn't feel bad when I beat you for real."

       "Really?" I asked, not convinced. "I think that is as real as it gets."

       For the last two games, after the first one, Carson said he was taking it easy on me because I was girl. Then, he went on to say he wasn't going to play around with me anymore on the second game. The next game was the same way, a repeat of the first and second game. He lost. I think it had something to do with his pride why he didn't admit I won fairly. Most guys wouldn't want to lose to a girl; it's like an unwritten law for guys. Completely sexist, but it's true.

       "You cheated."

       "Right, because only a minute ago you were going easy on me. Now, I cheated." I rolled my eyes, "Furthermore, fatalities are not considered cheats. At the end of each game, they say finish him. Those are clear signs to use your fatalities."

       Carson went at the controller on the other side of the room, restarting the game when he made it back. "Another round."

       I sat up in my seat ready to begin, but was stopped by Vladimir. "Actually, no, you can't. She has to study." He was standing beside Sandy. Sandy had her arms crossed over her chest. She was staring intensely at me, or something.

       "One more game," Carson bargain, waving Vladimir off.

       Vladimir walked over to the PlayStation and cut it off. I wasn't in the least bit surprised by anything Vladimir do or doesn't do. He does as he want like he's a God.

       Carson nearly jumped out of his skin because of the simple, small action Vladimir pulled - powering off the system. "She needs to study."

       "Who died and made you king?" Carson said with a pout. It wasn't a big pout, but it was noticeable.

       "I was made king the minute your ego was bruised because you lost to a girl. My advice to you is suck it up and grow a pair," Vladimir taunted.

       "When did you and Austin become so close?"

       "The day we agreed on our mutual hatred for you."

       "You're lying." Carson groaned, approaching Vladimir. He rolled up his sleeves, cocking his hand back ready to hit someone, anyone.

       "But I'm not." Vladimir said before whispering to Sandy to get me out of the room.

       Before I was dragged out, I saw Carson swing at Vladimir's face. Due to his incredible speed, Vladimir was able to move out of the way in time.

       Sandy shut the door behind us. From outside, I could only hear the constant thud when one of the two were thrown around the room. I could tell Vladimir was dominating the fight. Compared to me, Vladimir was prehistoric. I actually knew he was strong. Stronger than Carson.

       "Should we call someone for them?" Sandy asked, probably worried about the two.

       "No, Vladimir can control himself. He wouldn't hurt Carson - too bad." I smiled internally. "If he does happen to beat him to a pulp, Carson would deserve it. It is long overdue."

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