Chapter Nine

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Edited: 4/16/15

Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Nine

       "Are you always this uptight?" Carter asked after walking for a while.

       I wasn't uptight, but it wasn't every day that a guy hit on me. It isn't that much better when the guy is the brother of my 'mate'. But how would I know when someone was hitting on me when Seth barely let me wander around.

       "Only when I'm with an ass!" I fired at him.

       He placed his hand over his heart, "Hurtful. Better watch it, babydoll. I don't take insults well." He threw his arm over my shoulder like it was something he did regularly. That would be no surprise seeing as the cocky player he WAs expressing himself as. "Not that it isn't obvious, but there's only one ass I see. When I say ass, I mean a big one."

       I glanced at him as he peered at my rear end. I shoved him and took hold of his arm. I twisted it behind his back and pushed his face in the dirt.

       "Say you're sorry!" I threatened, twisting his arm further behind his back.

       In a flash, I was the one on the ground, and Carter was the one hovering over me. "I don't know if anyone has told you, but I don't say 'sorry' babydoll."

       I spit in his face, "Stop flirting with me!"

       "Flirting," he scoffed. "If I was flirting, I wouldn't be talking. If I was flirting, I would be grabbing more places than one. If I was flirting, I would be doing this—" he started leaning down. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

       I watched as Carter's body disappeared from over me. Instead, he was beside me, clutching his stomach. His jaws clenched and unclenched as he stared at something on the other side of me. I glanced to my side and saw Austin with his fist clenched.

       "And you were just going to let him do it?" He yelled at me.

       "I couldn't do anything," I defended myself for unknown reasons. It wasn't like I did anything wrong.

       "Please, save the sorry excuse. You're a hunter. You could've fought him off." He glared at Carter, "And you—"

       Carter spit blood on the ground, "I think you're underestimating me, brother. I am the one who is suppose to me the soon-to-be rightful alpha, not you! And I'm the one who was trained as a warrior, so we both know I'm stronger. You don't want to pick a fight with me, little brother."

       "And let's not forget you're also the one who backed down when offered the alpha position, not me!" The way Austin was glaring at Carter, you would think he should be six feet in the ground right now. "I wouldn't call you a brother. She's my mate!"

       "Believe me, brother." Carter raised himself off of the ground, "She asked for it."

       "When did she say that?"

       "She didn't have to say it. It was shown on her face, in her eyes." I noticed the challenging glare Carter was giving Austin. I was watching two brothers arguing in my presence. I wouldn't be surprised if they broke out into a fight at this very moment. "It's not the first time one of your toys have done it."

       "Don't you dare refer to Rebecca."

       "Yes, little Becca." He chuckled, "She crawled to me and begged me. Do you remember, brother?"

       "I told you—"

       "Enough!" I interjected. The pain I felt in my chest at Austin arguing over another girl. "I never asked to be your mate! You don't have any wolfy claim over me, so let me do what I want. It's not like you haven't had someone in your bed, recently."

       When I tried to run to the house, Austin grabbed my wrist. "Wait."

       I snatched my wrist and muttered, "Too late."

       Jonathon was playing pool when I reached the house. I must've been wearing my 'feelings on my face' again as Seth likes to put it. "Austin?" I nodded. "What did he do?"

       "He's frustrating." I ran a hand through my hair and took a seat, "First, he hits his brother because he was jealous, I guess. Then, he argues with him. And to put the icing on the cake, he started arguing over another girl."

       "You have to understand. As werewolves, we tend to get protective over our mates. So protective, we will kill anything and anyone that threatens them even if they're family." He hit another ball. As he was about to hit the eighth balol, he looked up at me. "In pool, you have to hit a lot of balls to get your target where it belongs. You might even scratch a few times, but you will hopefully get back. The target is to accomplish your goals."

       "What does that have to do with anything? What does that even mean?"

       He hit the eighth ball, and it went in. He took a seat down beside me, "It means don't give up on him. You will probably get pissed off at him a lot because he pisses people off. You will always have a bump every now and then, but give him time. The goal is to change him. Don't be another person to give up on him."

       "He cheated on me." Well, maybe not cheat since I did say we didn't date. It still hurt because of this mate pull. It was hard to even resist him sometimes.

       Jonathon threw his head back and laughed. When he calmed down, he looked me in the eyes. "Believe me, he didn't cheat on you. My son would go to his grave and back before cheating on his mate. He may have had a girlfriend every once in a while, but even they didn't get anything out of that relationship. I mean that in two ways. The boy is virgin. He waited for his mate, you. He planned things out for when he would first meet you. Just give him time to explain himself, Allison. Don't assume."

       With that, he left me alone to think. Maybe I should talk to Austin about this.

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