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The next day

Hopefully my first therapy session is going to go well but then again I have no idea. We walked into the floor my therapist office is on I walked up to the front desk the lady looked at me and smiled.

"Hello do you have an appointment?"

"Yes I'm Kaleena Brewster."

The receptionist nodded and typed my name in.

"Let me call Dr. Bridges and let her know that you're here."


She picked up the phone and walked back over to Kairi.

"Okay Kaleena Dr. Bridges is ready for you."


The receptionist stood up and opened the door and we was greeted by the therapist. We walked down the hall to her office we walked in and she closed the door.

"You two can have a seat."

Me and Kairi sat down and Dr. Bridges grabbed her notepad and her pen she sat down in the chair in front of us.

"I'm Dr. Bridges and you two are," she spoke.

"Kaleena and Kairi."

"So Kaleena tell me about yourself."

"I'm 17 years old, the middle child and I'm a junior at Harlem Renaissance High."

"What brings you here today?"

I cleared my throat.

"I went through something and my parents suggested therapy and booked a session with you so here I am."

"Kaleena," Kairi spoke.

I sighed."

"Oh no you don't have to apologize for what Kaleena said Kairi that something must was traumatic for you," she spoke.


"Can you give us a moment Dr. Bridges?"


"Leena drop the attitude Dr. Bridges is here to help you you're going to have to talk to her about what happened in order to heal and move on from it."

"But-," Kairi cut me off.

"I know what I said but she have no idea what's going on so tell her."

"That's right Kaleena when Mrs. Brewster made the appointment for you she didn't tell me what was going on she just told me that you are traumatized and hurt by your situation and she wanted you to tell me for yourself."

"May 16th I suffered a miscarriage at 5:45 pm a D&C was done."

"What causes the miscarriage?"

"After taking the tests I went to my boyfriend's house to tell him that I was pregnant so we can discuss what we were going to do next. When I got there it was another female there I found out that they've been dating as well and that they have a kid together. I blacked out and started swinging on the both of them I was hurt and I wanted them to hurt like I was."

"But they didn't did they?"

"No he was so concerned about the other girlfriend that he didn't notice that I started to have cramps and I started to bleed his brother noticed as I was leaving out and he rushed me to the hospital and after getting an ultrasound done the doctor confirmed that I had a miscarriage I was taken into emergency surgery for the d&c."

Eternity. (Sequel to Until the End of Time)Where stories live. Discover now