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The next morning

My mama had the kids while me and Dejah go down to the school to withdraw them and then place them in public school. We pulled up to the school I parked then turned towards Dejah and she looked at me.

"What Dave?"

I gave Dejah a knowing look and she smacked her teeth.

"I'm not going to do anything Dave I promise."

"You're pregnant with our daughter."

"I'm well aware of that Dave as you can see," Dejah said as she motioned towards her stomach.

"Come on here woman."

I took my seatbelt off and got the key out of the ignition I opened the door and got out. I walked over to the passenger side and opened the door I helped Dejah out and closed the door. I locked the doors and we made our way up to the school entrance.

"Good morning Mr. & Mrs. Brewster."

"Good morning Sheila," we both spoke.

"What can I do for you?"

"We're here to withdraw Kairi and Kaarim Brewster."

"Would you like to-," Dejah cut Sheila off.

"Sheila I'm pregnant and I promised my husband to keep mama bear under wraps and not go off on your principal so please just go get their withdraw papers so we can go."

"Yes ma'am."

Sheila walked towards the back and I pulled Dejah into me and rubbed her stomach causing her to groan.

"Dave don't get her started."

I chuckled and soon I was met with my baby girl's kicks.

"Daddy's baby is up."

"Should've let her behind stay sleep."

I turned Dejah towards me then I bent down and kissed her stomach.

"Kaleena your mama is a hater."

Dejah tapped my head and chuckled. I stood up and smirked at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too mama."

Sheila soon came from the back with the withdrawal papers I signed my name then we was walking out of the school. I unlocked the doors and opened the passenger door I helped Dejah in and handed her the papers. I closed the door and walked around to the driver side I got in and closed the door. I started up my Range Rover and placed the gear in drive and drove off.

I walked into the kitchen seeing my grandma cooking breakfast I walked over to her and hugged her waist.

"Good morning grandma."

"Good morning Rim baby."

"What you are cooking?"

"Grits, scrambled cheese eggs, bacon and biscuits right now I'm doing the grits."

"Oh okay."

We heard feet and Kairi walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning grandma and Rim."

"Good morning Kairi baby."

I walked over to Kairi and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.

"Good morning sister."

"You two have an awesome relationship."

"Rim is my little brother and I love him he reminds me a lot of daddy."

Eternity. (Sequel to Until the End of Time)Where stories live. Discover now