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4 months later— October 15, 2024

Dejah is due any day now and I can't wait to meet my second princess. Dejah didn't want a baby shower at all so we didn't have one everyone tried to convince her to have a baby shower but she didn't want one so everyone just bought what we didn't have she also haven't been in the mood to get out of the house or dressed up. The kids are in school and I'm downstairs in the kitchen eating.

"Babe," Dejah said as she walked in the kitchen.

"Hey baby how was your nap," I spoke I grabbed some paper towels and walked over to Dejah and kissed her.

"It was good."

"That's good."

"Is the bags in the truck?"


"Okay cool."

I nodded and went back to eating.

"What have you been doing while I was sleep?"

"I cleaned up and did the laundry."

"Oh okay."

I finished eating and threw the takeout container in the trash I finished off my drink and threw the cup away. I washed and dried my hands then I walked over to Dejah and placed my hands in her stomach.

"9 more days until Kaleena arrives."

"I'm in labor."

"Your water broke?"

"Yes I was in the bathroom actually when it happened I already showered and changed clothes I also have on a pad so I won't have to keep changing."

"How far apart are your contractions?"

"25 minutes part."


"I had called my doctor as I was getting ready because my appointment was supposed to been tomorrow and she told me that when they're 20 minutes apart for me to go to the labor and delivery."


"But I don't want to wait that long I'm ready now."

"Where's your purse?"

"I put my wallet in my bag along with my charger."

"Alright baby lets go."

I grabbed Dejah hand and we walked out of the kitchen I stepped back some and turned the light off. We walked over to the front door I unlocked the door and Dejah walked out of the house I went in my pocket and unlocked the Range Rover doors. I turned and locked the front door and walked over to my Range Rover I opened the door for Dejah she thanked me and got in I closed the door and walked over to the driver side and got in.

"How many centimeters were you at last week appointment?"

"2 centimeters."


I started up my Range Rover and placed my seatbelt on then I put the gear in drive and drove down the driveway.

"Did you call labor and delivery letting them know we're on the way?"

"Yes I called them as soon as I got off the phone with the doctor."

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Yes stop by Starbucks and get me the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher."

"What size?"


Eternity. (Sequel to Until the End of Time)Where stories live. Discover now