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summary: dream goes to prison and breaks readers heart. sam is there to pick up the pieces.

request: yes @we_pimpin_not_simpin

huge shout out to poglyssa for writing this! i think it turned out great.


you were his love. the light of his life. he didn't hold anyone higher than you. he was the one. you two were perfect. you were his sun and he was your moon. your days were better with him by your side. you were a symphony composed by the gods, designed to complement each other flawlessly.

that is until he went insane.

that damned child. he ruined it all. you spent 2 and a half years cultivating the perfect relationship with dream but that stupid boy ruined it all with his discs and his independance. why could he not have just done as he was told. why did he have to ruin everything.

your lover went to prison because of him. and you had the feeling he wasn't getting out for a long time.
when the time finally came for you to be allowed to visit him, your heart soared. finally reunited with your other half.

yet somehow, he just wasn't the man you knew.

"what are you doing here?" his eyes were hollow, his tone empty as he spoke.

this wasn't dream. this wasn't who you fell in love with.

"dream. im here because i love you. im here because no one else is."

"i don't want you here, y/n. leave."

it wasn't right.

"why? why did you let tommy ruin you? ruin everything we had."

a deep sigh escaped dream's lips.

"i never loved you, y/n. don't you see that? you were a tool. like tubbo, like wilbur, like every other person in this god damned world. you meant nothing to me. you were there to fulfil my needs, nothing else."

your eyes were welling with tears now, "sam. sam! i want to leave. now." frantic to be anywhere but there, you stepped back into the lava knowing that sam was waiting for you on the other side.

"y/n?" you avoided sam's concerning gaze. "y/n tell me what he said in there."

"he told me i was worthless. a tool. unimportant. that the two and a half years of my life were wasted on him."

"i'll kill him."

"no, sam. no you wont. just leave him be, karma will come to him in its own time."


*about 4 months later*

sam was making his visits to y/n more and more frequent now. he was in love, it was as clear as day.

the weather was perfect for his plan. cerulean skies, gentle heat. maybe it would turn out fine after all...

sam's face lit up at your arrival. his smile was enough to brighten your day, let alone his presence as a whole. but something was... off? you could tell that much, he was stuttering more than normal and his eye contact was abysmal. "sam?" he looked up, "are you okay? you seem really jitterish." you said with a concerned smile.

"im fine! i actually had a question i'd been meaning to ask, but just wasn't sure how to ask it..."

"go ahead!"

"i know dream broke your heart, but i want to be the one that fixes it, y/n. i want to be what you thought he was. i want to be your soulmate. so, would you like to go on a date?"

your heart stopped. over the past month or so you'd grown to realise your love for sam. he was inexplicably perfect. from the way he spoke to the way he smiled, he was beautiful inside and out.

you soon noticed his concerned eyes. "yes!" you blurted out. "yes, sam. yes i would like to go on a date with you."


tommy was visiting dream frequently, keeping him updated on the goings on of the world. it was more to rub it in his face than to show that he cared. he liked watching dreams face contort in pain every time he mentioned y/n and sam getting close. it was sadistic, but after what dream did? it was nothing.

"sam and y/n are going on a date."
"they're doing what now?"

tommy laughed. "a date, dream. y'know, that thing two people do when they like each other?"

"i obviously know what a date is. i want to know why y/n's going on a date with sam."

"i don't know dream, ask her yourself."


tommy said dream wanted you to visit. why? why now? finally happy, and the psychopath has to ruin it.

sam was trying his hardest to convince you not to go, you guys were at a really good place, he didn't want dream ruining that. but you would not budge. dream wanted something and you were going to find out what.

pandora's vault loomed all around you. "ill be around if you need me, don't get too close to the prisoner." were sam's only words to you as you made your way to dream's cell.

"hello darling..."

that voice. sweet like treacle, but sticky like tar. a trap.

"what do you want, dream?"

"i want my soulmate back of course. i was cruel to you my love, i was in a dark place. you mean nothing to sam, he won't ever love you the way i do..."

the sound of dream's voice seeping through the speakers of the cameras was enough for sam. he was never satisfied was he? never happy with ruining everyone's lives just once. he had to keep going back for more.

"dream. i don't want you though."

that sentence snapped sam from his thoughts.

"dream. as much as i loved you, i'd rather pluck out my own eyeballs than ever succumb to your 'charms' again." you paused for a moment, "rot in hell."
and with that you took the step back into the lava, not caring who was waiting for you on the other side, only caring that you were free. free with just three words.

rot in hell.

1058 words

once again huge thank you to poglyssa for writing this! all writing credits goes to them. they're an amazing writer and person. go follow and interact with them <33.

written on 02.20.2021

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