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summary: in which Clay's girlfriend bought a puppy while Clay was visiting George in England and didn't tell him until he got back.

warnings: mentions of previous animal abuse


you never made the best decisions on your own which is why you normally talk them through with your boyfriend Clay especially because the two of you lived together. but at the moment he was in England visiting his best friend George and you were feeling a bit lonely so you decided to visit the animal shelter. keyword visit not adopt.

that plan of only visiting was out the window within seconds when you saw a six month old pitbull with scar that ran across it's face. the scar was still very pink which meant it was still fresh. the puppy was sitting in the corner shaking terrified of everything but you want to get a closer look and pet her and the dog let you.

the worker at the shelter told you that she was bred in a dog fighting facility that got taken down a few days ago. you fell in love with the small puppy the second you saw her and knew you couldn't leave her in this scary place all by herself so you made the decision to bring her home.

after you signed all of the paperwork you and the puppy who you named Daisy were on your way to PetSmart to buy all of the supplies you'd need to take care of Daisy plus a few dog toys. Daisy was slowly starting to open up letting you pick her up and pet her. when you got home you sent out a tweet

@y/u/n: I may have done something bad...

@dreamwastaken2: @y/u/n I've been gone for less than forty eight hours what could you have done in that short amount of time

@y/u/n: @dreamwastaken2 you're gonna have to wait till you get home to know ;)

@dreamwastaken2: @y/n/u uh oh

time skip

you were at home waiting for Clay to get back who was currently on his way home from the airport which was a half hour from your apartment. Daisy was as happy as ever running around and tearing up her toys.

soon you heard the door unlock and you picked up Daisy and stood next to the couch which you could see perfectly from the front door. Clay saw you immediately and went to hug you but stopped when he saw a dog in your arms. "why do you have a dog? is this the thing you tweeted about? why we don't need a dog? wait it's kind of cute" Clay spoke quickly. you replied saying you say her at the shelter and you knew she needed to come home with you. after hours of you pleading to keep Daisy Clay finally gave in.

@dreamwastaken2: I leave for four days and my girlfriend buys a puppy. note to self do not leave girlfriend home alone ever again.

the night ended with the three of you cuddled in bed watching the lion king. Clay wouldn't admit it but he was content laying their holding you while you slept with Daisy on his chest.

537 words.

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