1 : daughter?

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Alexander Russo pov :
I was in my warehouse office looking at some business deals when a phone call came.

(B - Alexander & I - Thea mason.)

Hello it's Alexander Russo.
Hello Alexander, you may not remember me but I am Thea mason. We were at a party 16 years ago when we hooked up. After 2 weeks I found out I was pregnant with your baby. I never slept with anyone after you. Practically you had an argument with your wife and we're down in the bar where we kind of had an encounter. But I'm not saying that I didn't want her. She is the light of my life. But she needs her father in her life now.
So you are saying I have a child.
Yes...I am am sorry but you left after a week and I could not tell you. You have a 16 year old daughter. I had also done a DNA test and it came as positive. I will send you a copy of it.
But why are you telling me this now...after 16 years??
I have cancer...and I can't live anymore...my daughter knows about you . I would like you to take of my daughter because she has no family besides ne and you? If you are willing to take her it would be great otherwise she would have to go into foster care which I don't want.
Of course I want my daughter to live with me. Can you tell me more about her.
Sure. Her name is Maddison Russo. She is 16. She has electric blue eyes and has brown hair. She also is trained in self defence, weapon training and judo. She knows all about your mafia and is very passionate about cars. She is more like a tomboy but has an IQ of 184. Plays soccer and baseball at school. Is short tempered, has anger issues and curses a lot just like her father I see. But when you get to the inner Maddie you see her angel side. Her flight will be reaching around 10am in the morning . Please don't tell her when I pass away that I died in pain. Her heart aches for the loved ones. She does trust people at first but once it's betrayed she never will again.
Wow...I guess she is just like me and my boys . Thank you fir blessings me with a girl like her. I will take care of her it's a promise to you. Thank you.
Thank you Alexander. Goodbye.

I keep my phone down and think about Maddison. My phone chimes and I see an email from Thea. It contains about her birth certificate, her DNA report and her photo.

 It contains about her birth certificate, her DNA report and her photo

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She has tattoo's, she is just like Hunter. I look at her properly. Just my features. Brown hair, blue eyes, dimple on one side, tattoo. I cannot believe it. I have another daughter.
My wife Amelia Russo enters my cabin.
"What's got you so happy Mr. Russo??"she asks as she sits on my lap and plays with my hair.
"Apparently when you and I had an argument and I had stormed off to a bar I had kind off hooked up with someone and that lady was pregnant with my child. So now I know I have an 16 year old tomboy daughter who is coming to stay with us because apparently her mother has cancer and she is dying."I explain.
"So I am having another daughter. Show me her photo...I have start decorating her room."
"Okay okay...look!"
She sees the photo and looks at me .
"Baby...she is so much like you. I see her tattoos and piercings. Okay when is getting home?"
"Tomorrow morning her plane lands at New York City airport. Baby don't you have any problem with her. I mean she is still my daughter?"I ask her.
"Baby...we had an argument and you were drunk out of your mind. You have always wanted a second daughter so now you have one. I know she will love you and you will treat her like your Princess just like Aiden ."Amelia said and I was relieved.

"Okay...now we have to tell the children about Maddison tonight."I say and she gets up and sits on the sofa while I complete my work and then we leave for our home.

"I say and she gets up and sits on the sofa while I complete my work and then we leave for our home

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"Boys and my dear princess we are home."I shout as I enter the living room.
After various ' coming dad's or coming papa.' all my children enter the hall and hug me and kiss their mother on her cheek.
"Okay sit down we have some news. Baby come here."I say to Aiden who is playing on Anthonie's phone. She rushed towards me and climbed on my lap.
"Okay... apparently 15 years ago I had a one night stand in a club. And that lady , who is Thea mason found out that she was pregnant. Before she could tell me I had left the town and came home and sorted the argument with your mother. Today I got a call from her saying that I have a daughter who is a year younger than  hunter and nico. She is a total tomboy, plays soccer and baseball , has tattoos and piercings, short tempered and passionate about self defence, weapons training and judo. She also knows about our business and is coming to stay here from tomorrow because her mother is dying at a hospital in the town because of cancer. So you guys have another sister ." I finish and the boys look at me with happiness and excitement in their eyes.
"Dad is she.....you know trained properly for the business??"Amator my eldest son, the leader of American mafia asked .
"Yes she is...she started training since she was 5. She is better that these two idiots if mine!"I said while hunt and nico groaned.
"Dada...is I getting a nwew sissy??"Aiden asked me. I nooded and her face brightened up.
"Yay...I play wit hwer.... Princess.... cwooking... yay...me have a sissy!!" Aiden danced around as we looked at her with adoration.
"Okay let's go eat dinner...I have to chech her new room. She gets here at 10 tomorrow please don't mess up the house anymore. Especially you three."Amelia says while she points at my youngest three sons.

I hope my daughter will be happy with us . I think and get up for dinner.


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