18 : Aiden's party

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It's been a week since Xavier came back and the Castro family decided a small vacation. So Greyson was practically not here. I had been in my room since morning completing my assignments and remaining projects I had to submit for grading. We all had time for college but still decided on  going to a College near home. Infact I was going with all my friends and brothers to a private college near home. Dad said it's best to lay low and still be together in the same college. I was deciding to continue my fashion line and photo studio in college as well.
I had all my assignments spread in front of me with my laptop and 18 from one direction was playing in background. I was missing Greyson today so we decided to facetime layer on. I was completing my work then my door opened. I looked up to see Aiden. She looked a bit sad .
"What happened little Birdy??" I asked as she climbed on my bed and snuggled into my neck.
"Sissy...am I a bad girl??...why do people in my school hate me?? They say I'm a b**ch and I'm not worthy...am I bad sissy??...they say I have a boy name!!"she cried. I could hear my heart crushing by her words.
"No bubby...you are the best. Do you know that I love you so so much...dadda and momma loves you...big brothers love you. Tell me who calls you names. And you are Aiden Russo...you are a big and strong girl..now wipe of the frown and smile. I don't want a frowny Aiden running around the house do I??" I say as she gives me a small smile.
"A girl in my class and her two friends tease me. They are Stella, Maris and Julia. Stella even pushed me in the class. The teacher does not scold them because she is Stella's mother." Aiden told me.
Now I was angry. Who shoves a girl in class and does not even scold a student just because she is her mom. It's time to get Amelia. I know all my brothers are standing outside the door.. because I heard someone stomping away and a door bang loudly.
It must be the twins.
Aiden was now sleeping next to me. She had strained tear marks on her face. It hurts to see her like that. Mhh...let's plan a party. It will cheer her mood up.
Dad came in my room. He looked angry and worried. I guess the boys told him about her.
"How is she??" He asked as I looked at her.
"She calmed down...I really want to kill that bitch and her daughter...can me and Amelia go!!" I asked enthusiastically.
"I know mads but we can't. I never knew my daughter was facing all of this. Why would she not tell anyone??"
"I don't know dad. Probably because she thought they will stop sometime later or she did not want us to know... especially the boys. You know the boys anyway never spend time with her because of school or work. I guess she is lonely. I am planning a party to cheer her up and we will be telling her that her big brothers planned it for her. She will feel so happy. " I said as he smiled.
"You know madds since you came this house has become a home. I have never seen Aiden so happy, boys stay at home for a long time. Thank you so much princess." He hugs me as I wrap my hands around him.
"Okay..I have to start planning the party so I have to go. See you at 6 pops" I say.
"See ya later dudes." Dad high fives me as we laugh.

Hearing Maddie's idea, I felt a bit angry. She is trying to mend the relation with Aiden and her brothers when they should be the ones doing that. I did feel a bit hurt when she selflessly told me to tell Aiden that this party was planned by her brothers and actually Maddie was the one who was doing it all. I guess they will just have to find out the truth themselves. I am going to guilt trip them and show them that their sister is missing her own blood brothers in her life. She was hurting but she could not tell them. But I'm happy she atleast told Maddie something and made me realise I was missing in my princess's life. I went to my car and drove to the mall. I decided to get Maddie something. She has done so much for us in such a small time. She even accepted Amelia and was building a nice and clean relation with her.
I decided to get the sisters matching necklace. It would symbolise their friendship and sister bond .

 It would symbolise their friendship and sister bond

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