11 : Talks with Dad

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I woke up at 7 today and got ready for school.

I woke up at 7 today and got ready for school

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I decided to wear some shorts today. I go downstairs to Aiden's bedroom to see it empty. I check her bathroom to see her playing in her bath tub.
I quickly click her picture and send it to my brothers.
"Hey Birdy!"
"Sissy look is bubbles." She squeals.
"Yes Birdy...now I'm gonna call momma and she will get you ready okay." I ask her.
"Otay....bye sissy..good day!"she says.
Ahh...kill me with the cuteness.
"Bye Birdy...have fun!!" I say as I call Amelia through the intercom in Aiden's bedroom.
I make my way into the kitchen to see all my brothers and Greyson eating and discussing about a mission they were going on today. Me , Selena , Raven and Mia were mot going today. Dad had not yet allowed me to go.
"Madds don't you think those shorts are a bit too short." Noah said and all the boys looked at me.
"No they are fine...and don't worry nothing will happen. I have all 9 bodyguards at school also include luka , Aron and Tayler oh and Raven."
To my statement all of them laughed.
I sat next to Grey who wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek as my brothers protested.
"Oi...hands off."Nico yelled.
"Then keep your hands off my sister." Grey smirked as me and Hunter snickered.
"Not the point Castro!!" Nico groaned.
"So you guys a couple now?" Dad asked.
"Yes sir...I asked her yesterday on our date." He replied.
"He asked me out and also told the manager to fire an employee. Poor girl she had to work at the restaurant at such an age and then she gets fired."
I say as Grey snickered.
"Of course she had to be fired she was practically ignoring you and still throwing herself at me." He counters.
"Shh...eat breakfast I wanna go to school and kick some basketball players ass." I reply.
"You trying out?" Aman asked.
"Yep. I hate Soccer due to these boys and it's a tooo rough game in this school. I prefer BB more." I say.
"Okay kids I'm leaving see you at night." Dad says as he hugs me tightly.
He gives a sloppy kiss on the twins forehead and they groaned as Greyson laughed.
"Come here Castro you can also get a kiss." Dad said and Greyson sobered up and grabbed my hand and pulled to the garage to his car more or less matte black mercedes jeep.

" Dad said and Greyson sobered up and grabbed my hand and pulled to the garage to his car more or less matte black mercedes jeep

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We drove to school and reached a bit early. So Greyson decided to do a makeout session with me as timepass till the bell rings.
After 5 minutes we got out and he kept his hand on my waist as I sticked to his side . He looked down and kissed me. I heard gasps of students and we smirked.
"Grey-Grey, what are doing!!"  Some blonde bimbo screeched. Annoying voice dude.
"Well...my girlfriend and I were heading to class and why do you car Katherine!" Grey smirked as he pressed the word girlfriend.
"No you are mine and she is a nobody. I will give you everything you want." She said. Nerve of this girl. Grey's hand leaves my waist as if he says you can attack now.
"Look here you bitch. I'm telling you not to mess with me. Do you know who I am? I'm Maddison Russo. Get that . Russo. Now what were you saying about me being a nobody." I smiled innocently. I saw fear in her eyes. Now that's what I like. Fear of the name.
"I-im sorry..i-i didn't know you were a Russo. I will leave this school. Please don't kill me or my sister."she begged.
"Don't need to leave school just remember the new queen and king of the school are Maddison Russo and Greyson Castro. Official kings will be my brothers. Better be it that way. Now scram!!"I yelled.
"Okay...okay calm down my dear tiger." Grey calmed me down.

After the morning incident no one came in my way. The day dragged on. Me and Grey had one or two public makeout sessions. My brother's had to go on their mission so they left early. I had carpooled with Grey so I bunked the last class and he dropped me home.
I kissed him luck and went inside to find Amelia working on her dress. I decided to let her work. I changed into Nico's sweatshirt and some jean shorts and made my way to dad's office.
I knocked quickly and entered his office.
"Hey Princess"
"He Daddy!" I said as I hugged him .
"How was school new Queen." He teased.
"Great." I said as Sarcasm dropped in my tone.
"Listen Maddi I wanted to tell you something. OKAY. This Tuesday you will be going on your first mission!! " He said and I squealed.
"Seriously dad!! Thank you!!" I jumped up and hugged him.
"Grey and the boys will also be coming as we have to deal with some small gang . I have also bought you a small gift." He said
He handed a rectangular box . I opened it to see a black and gold matte finish gun.

 I opened it to see a black and gold matte finish gun

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It had my initials engraved on it .
"Thank you daddy!!" I gaped.
I say there talking to dad about some missions and our enemy the Russian mafia.
The boys should have actually come back home right now. But none of them had called.
On the same moment dad's phone rang and he put it on speaker.
"Hey Nico why aren't you home son?"dad questioned.
"Dad... Maddie... Ethan was shot in the mission. The bullet missed his liver my a centimetre. We are on our way to the hospital please come fast. Madds drive the car don't let him drive. Wait grey wants to speak with you." He finished.
"Hey...look it's alright he fine...just come quick and drive safely okay?" Grey calmed me down.
"Y-yes..okay love you."I stuttered.
Dad lets go I will bring Amelia and Aiden and let's go okay." I said as he was very angry now.
"Yes" he gritted.
I called Amelia to the parking through the intercom.
She came down with a sleeping Aiden . I saw dry tear marks on her face.
I quickly sat down and started to drive.
We reached the hospital in fifteen minutes.
"Ethan Russo, room number!!"I yelled.
"Sorry only Family members are allowed." She seethed.
"I am his sister you dimwit now tell me the room number!!" I yelled frustrated.
"406, 4th floor!" She toned her volume and attitude down.
"Dad , Amelia let's go!!" I said.


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