8 : Dinner and birthday plans

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I walked downstairs to Aiden's room to see her twirling in a small green dress. 

I laughed and she smiles at me.
"Sissy....you wook gweat!!!"she squealed and hugged me. I sat her on her seat and did her hairstyle. I also placed a small crown on her head. We both went down together . As we entered the living room all the people in the room looked at us. I saw all of them in black dress or suits while me and Aiden were in coloured dresses.
I looked at Greyson. He checked me out and then we stared at each other for 3 seconds and I broke the eye contact. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and bow tie.

His blond hair were styled with gel and also had some rings in his hands. I looked at dad who has tears in his eyes. Aiden ran over to Amelia so I was standing all alone near the steps. Dad came towards me and took my hand.
"May I present you The First Mafia Princess of the American mafia. " He led me to meet everyone else. I meet else.
I talked to Selena's parents and Raven's dad as well. Her mother had died when she was 6. I remembered my mom. She had called me before her death just to tell what I knew. Me , dad , Amator and Elijah were traveling to my hometown on Thursday so I could visit her grave. Dad had arranged his private plane for us and we were also collecting my mom's stuff at home.
"Hey...you okay. You kind of zoned out." Grayson asked me.
"Yes I'm okay...just thinking. Anyway looking good Mr. Castro. "I smile.
"Ohh...let's just say I clean up well."
We laughed.
The photographer who Amelia had hired begged us to do a small photo shoot. We agreed.


We had dinner and all of the girls and their boyfriends went into my room.
Grayson sat next to me in the loveseat.
We talked a lot and found many things in common.
"Kids it's time to leave!!" Aunt Cass rushed into my room.
Greyson planted a small kiss on my cheek which resulted in him getting chased by Nics and Hunt.

**Time skip after she came back from her hometown.**

Me , dad , Eli and Aman returned home yesterday. I went to mom's appartment to get some of her necklaces.
I was crying for an hour near her grave. Later dad calmed me down and I sobered up.
After I went to school today all the gang hung out with me at the mall.
We enjoyed shopping , gossiping about boys and many more things.
The entire time I noticed Greyson was looking at me. I caught him staring many times.
Selena and Greyson had to stay at Raven's house today as their parents were not here .
Dad still had not allowed me to go on missions while Selena told me about Greyson handling the mafia and his business .
I always had these weird butterflies in my stomach when I went near him. I guess I was crushing on the blonde haired boy.

Since the I say Maddi at the dinner I had truly fell for her. We openly flirted with each other infront of her brothers because they actually had an idea about me crushing on their sister. I am a playboy but since Maddie came along I forgot about other girls .
Right now I'm in the Russo house with Nico and Hunter.
"So Grey...I see you have a fascination about our sister?"nico smirked.
I groaned."yes I do. Now stop it and play the damn game."
"Dude just treat her well... she has gone through a lot." I say.
"I know we have been talking alot and I just want to ask her on a date as soon as possible." I say.
"Dude...you can ask her on her birthday...it's in a week make it a bit simple but should be elegant. Even if she is a tomboy she is artist."
"Yeh...me and Hunter have been begging dad for some money so we can give her a art and photography studio built in the warehouse."nico said.
"Should I give her a pandora bracelet with art and photography charms. Will she like it?" I ask hopefully.
"Yes she will....and bring alot of chocolates.... that girl is a freak for chocolates."hunter said as we laughed.
"Dads gonna surprise her with a professional camera set up and her own modeling firm. Well it's from mom as well. I don't know about the others."hunter says.

Cool....I'll set up a small asking her on a date venue till then."I said as I laid on the extra bed they had set up for me.

Everyone has been acting a bit weird lately. Dads not home lately while Amator is not really talking to me. The twins are very secretive lately. They are planning. Greyson and I still talked , actually flirted more than talking after that photoshoot we did. Hunt and Nico had been going on about how we should date and all. Not that I'm refusing.
My birthday is tomorrow and the girls are at my house . We are having a sleepover which results in cutting a cake at 12.
We were watching a horror movie and suddenly all the girls screamed a big happy birthday in my ears.
"Thank you so much girls... thank you"
I said as they bought a small cake which was I guess made by Mia and Selena. Raven was stuffing it in her mouth like I was doing. We took many pictures and went to sleep.


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