7 : PE

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After lunch we all headed to the physical education class. We headed to the girls changing room where we changed into long exercise pants and sports tops.

 We headed to the girls changing room where we changed into long exercise pants and sports tops

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We all went on the field and I saw boys starring at me and the girls. Some jock wolf whistled at us . I looked at my brothers who were angry now. I made my way towards him and twisted his hand behind his back and kicked him in the shin .
"Never wolf whistle at any of the girls whoever they maybe. Get it. If I see you again The Kings will deal with you and your team." I screamed at him and left him on the ground and walked towards the girls and saw all my brothers with proud looks while Grayson was shocked and had a small smirk on his face.
The coach had asked us to run around the field 10 times. Me and Raven were the only girls running with the boys. Later on we finished before the boys also finished the pushups and crunches.
"Woah girls...you just defeated the kings today. Good work take a drink break you both." Coach Ridgewood told us.
I sat on the bleachers with my Gatorade bottle while Raven layed on the bench infront of me.
We chatted for 5 minutes and then teams were divided for dodgeball were made.
Me, Selena , Noah , kade , Hunter , Mia and some other students were on our team.
I hit one girl in her face and she immediately started throwing a tantrum.
"Coach she hit me in the face..I'm not out...she messed up my lips." She yelled looking at coach and then kade.
"Oi you bitch...in dodgeball I can hit you anywhere and Don't look at my poor Brother kade....he doesn't give a shit."I yelled as the whole class laughed and she stomped her foot and left with two of her minions.
On our team me , kade and Mia were left while Raven and Grayson were left on their team. Grayson connected our eyes and smirked.
OOO...game on Mr. Grayson Castro.
I threw my ball faking it toward raven but I changed my direction at the last moment and threw the ball at Greyson. It hit him in his chest. He had not registered the move. I whooped as Kade also hit Raven and our team won.
We made our way towards the changing room.
The girl who I had hit in the face slaughtered upto me and grabbed my hand.
"Listen here you bitch...kade is mine and so are the kings don't come between us. I will kill you . You don't know who I am."she fake glared and I busted out laughing.
"Oh really...you know blondie I'm Maddison , Maddison RUSSO. The Kings sister. And if you know them well I guess you also our dad and my step mother will not hesitate to kill you in our basement. So I suggest you take off our the PREDATOR will be on your tail." I threatened her silently. I saw fear in her eyes. Predator is my executioner name. Dad had given me that idea as all my brothers had a code name mine was Predator.
She turned around and ran away without looking back and all the girls looked atme shocked.
Selena squealed and hugged me tightly.
"You are a total rebel girl...no wonder you are in the mafia."she said.
Of course she knew.
We took some pics and also followed each other on Instagram and Raven added me on the girls group as well as the group on which all my brothers were there.


❤️1,02,355 likesMet this beautiful queen today!!👤 RavenCostello and MaddisonRusso

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Met this beautiful queen today!!
👤 RavenCostello and MaddisonRusso


❤️1 millionBeauty queens👤 MaddisonRusso

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❤️1 million
Beauty queens
👤 MaddisonRusso

After school I waited near Ethan's car for the boys. Selena , Mia and raven along with luka , Grayson and my brothers came towards me.
"Hey! Hey get off my baby." Ethan screeched.
"Okay..okay...chill big brother...hi to you to."I say while Grayson smirks.
I hug all the girls and luka bye. Grayson also wrapped his hands around me and I heard very colourful words out of my brothers mouth because he was hugging me for so long.
"Hey..lets go home we have the Italian and Spanish mafia for dinner today at home Ethan says."
"Okay bye madds and meet you at dinner today."Selena waves at me.
"We are the Italian mafia while Mia's parents are the Spanish mafia." Grayson says which clears my confusion.

Yah...okay see you guys at dinner."I say while getting into my car and plugging my aux cable.

I reach home in about half an hour as I had to take some Starbucks for dad and Amelia as well. Aiden was home early so she wanted a cookie.
As soon as entered the house Aiden ran into my arms and hugged me tightly. I gave kade the Starbucks and picked her up. She started to babble something about her school which included a boy. When she said that all the brothers looked at her. I silently told her to talk later and not in front of these goods. She nooded and munched on her cookies. I went to my room finished my homework and plugged my phone on charging. I started to paint a canvas of a girl thinking.
At seven dad came in my room and we talked about my day at school and something about my office at the warehouse. I had started to go the warehouse early this week so dad said me and Aiden should have our rooms and office at the warehouse and the company as well. We discussed something more about the business. I told dad about my architecture plans in the future and he let me design my office and Birdy's room. I also did a new photoshoot of Amator and Elijah for their business profile.

I started to do my make up and wear my dress for the dinner.

Her dress

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Her dress .

Her dress

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Make up and hairstyle

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Make up and hairstyle


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