17 : Reunited

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We had finished the mission and we were on our way home. I decided to call Maddie.
"Hey. You okay??" She asked in a very teary voice.
"Yes...I'm fine...how are the twins??"
"Hunter's getting stitches on his head , I think it will probably leave a scar and I cleaned Nico's wounds right now. He is probably talking to Selena. She came here after a while. Tell me the truth...are you hurt??" She asked.
"Okay...I'm fine but I have gashed my hand on a pole and have a cut on my lip." I said as she gasped on the other side.
"Come straight to my room when you come home...I will be there...tell the others to go clean themselves and then go to the twins. I also have called your family... Nico has a surprise for you all." She scolds me. She is really going to be a great mom. I think in my mind.
"Okay....what's the surprise??" I ask while all her brothers look intrested in my conversation.
"Come home and you will see." She says and keeps the phone.
"Your sister is so weird...she has a surprise for us after we come hella tired from a mission. And she also has called my parents." I say as Noah and Ethan burst out laughing.
We entered the driveway and I saw my parents car near the pillars. We went specifically under Maddie's orders to clean up. I entered her room and collided with her small frame. She clutched to my shirt as she cried.
"Thank god you are okay...I was so scared."
She cried. I have seen her so vulnerable for the first time.
I hugged her tightly.
She took my face in her hands and kissed me. She avoided my knife cut and softly kissed me. I kissed her back.
"Hey, it's okay..I will get cleaned up and be back here. Wait on the bed and we will head down for the surprise and the twins. I still have to see those idiots." I said as she laughed.
"Come fast...I can't wait for the surprise!!" She squealed and took my phone to play some games.
Maddie trusted me like no other person...she could even give her phone to me with no password to check and I trusted her.

After I came out I saw mads sprawled across the bed with my phone in her hand. She was looking at some of my childhood pictures.

"This was a Christmas picture when me and sel were 7

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"This was a Christmas picture when me and sel were 7. I was messing around with the ketchup. Xavier had just scolded me for not doing that or he will not teach me football. So I had stopped throwing ketchup at Selena."
She looked at me and told me to sit down. She pulled me into her chest as I cried. Till this day I still miss my big brother. He was our world.
"It's okay...let's see the surprise the guys have." She said.
We went down to the living room and saw all my family sitting there. Maddie walked towards Amator and sat next to him. I hugged my best friends, the twins.
"Okay...Castro fam I have a surprise for you all...so close your eyes." Nico said. Maddie and hunter were bouncing up and down in their seats.
"Hello mom and dad." A voice said.
It was very familiar but it was the one o had not heard since I was 12. It was my big brother. I opened my eyes to see him. My Xavi. I couldn't think of anything. I heard my mom gasp as she ran and hugged her oldest son.
"My baby...your alive...how!!" She said as she kissed his forehead.
"I was staged to fake my death and watch you all cry at my funeral. The Russians first kept me in Portland and then shifted me here so you could not find me as they told this gang not to mess with you...so you would blow up the base. Petrov is an idiot...he made me watch my family mourn over me." He said as dad hugged him.
"I am sorry son..I failed to search for you!!" Dad said.
"No dad...it's my fault...I should have never underestimated the Russians."
"Xavi....your back" Sabrina whispered. She had tears running down her face. She had seen her big brother she totally adored and loved till death after so many years. She ran to him and hugged him as she sobbed into him. He wrapped her in his arms around her and picked her up.
After she had recovered she stepped aside so Xavier could see me.
"What, are you not going to hug your big brother just because you have a girlfriend now??" He asked.
Before I could say anything, my heart told me to run to him. And I did. I ran into my big brothers arms. I crashed into him as I hugged him tightly.
"Your really back...you here with us." I mumbled into him as he laughed.
"Yes...G your X is back in the game!!" He said as he brought Selena in the sibling hug.
I saw Maddi look at me with tears in her eyes. She knew it meant so much for me to have him back. After I broke the hug I checked on my idiot best friends who were now sulking in the corner due to lack of sleep. Maddie and Amelia immediately sent them to their room.
I sat next to Maddie as she snuggled into me. We were all sitting outside near the fireplace in the back garden.

Selena was next to Xavier as she told him about our high school and things, Aiden was cuddled with Maddie's dad

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Selena was next to Xavier as she told him about our high school and things, Aiden was cuddled with Maddie's dad. All the brothers were either arguing or were on their phones.
It was a relaxing night after an very surprising day.


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