25 : Taken

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I feel someone watching me sleep so I open my eyes and see Grey looking or more like staring at me.
"Stop looking at me!!" I whine and push a pillow in his face.
"What...I am just observing my girlfriend now!!" He mocks my tone and wraps his arm around my back.
Last night was so amazing, I couldn't be more than happy.
"You know....I loved the way you screamed my name last night!!" He whispered in my ear as I blush.
"Shut up...we have to get up...we have school and Eli will kill us if we don't go." I say as I get up and look at him.
"I want to stay in bed!" He says and pulls me back in the bed as I start laughing.
"Boy...you better leave maddie and get up or I am cutting the pancake supply!!" Grey's mother yells through the intercom as I start laughing more.
"Thanks Mrs. C he is a handful!!" I say as I get up and go to Greyson's closet take two hoddies. I throw one at him and dash into the bathroom to shower. I came out wearing my outfit to see Greyson ready in his hoddie and jeans. We make our way downstairs for breakfast. Greyson's mother is very excited for his 18th birthday. But I was planning his birthday already. I wanted to give Greyson his favourite bike as a gift with a ring my mother wanted to give to my future boyfriend/husband. Knowing that me and Greyson are never going to break up and I wouldn't want that, I knew this ring belonged to him.

 Knowing that me and Greyson are never going to break up and I wouldn't want that, I knew this ring belonged to him

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(I kinda liked both the bikes

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(I kinda liked both the bikes.. choose any one you like and comment ❤️)

I was really getting some bad vibes or I knew something bad is going to happen. I still pushed it back of mind and enjoyed the piggy back ride Nico was giving me.
The classes went by quickly and now I was heading to lunch when someone covered my eyes with a cloth and started to drag me somewhere.
I screamed and thrashed around. Then I suddenly felt sleepy and my head got heavy and I fell asleep.

I knew Maddie was having some bad vibes today...but she didn't tell me.
Anyway I was waiting for her in the cafeteria for lunch when a girl suddenly sits on my lap and kisses me. I throw her off.
"Careful...you don't want to die...now don't ever come to this table or you will never see a day again...and stop throwing yourself at people have some..." I was cut off by Kade running into me.
"Whoa dude...what happened??" I asked him as tears strung his eyes.
"Mads....she..she has been taken." He breathed out as I was stunned.
"Kade no time for jokes!!Where is she??" Hunter asked as he ate his food.
We made it to Russo mansion as fast as we could.
"Hey hey... Dad...calm down okay...we are going to find her...and Maddie is a strong girl she will be fine." Amator confronted his father as Anthonie had already made a hole in the wall he was getting his wounds clean.
"Grey grey....is my sissy okay??...she will come back right??" Aiden asked me as I picked her up and she threw her hands around my neck and silently cried.
"Yes baby... sissy will be back soon...and I think she is okay." I said while rocking the poor child. After sometime Aiden fell asleep due to crying.
I kept her in her bed and covered her with her blanket that Maddie had bought for her from our vacation.
I went to Maddison's room and went to her computer. She had access to all the files.
After searching for at least 3 hours I found nothing.
"Grey honey....you have to eat something... please don't starve yourself." Aunt A said.
"I can't eat anything when Maddison might not be eating or whatever will be happening with her." I said as she rubbed my back as I cried.
"I love her...I know we are small but I really do and I don't want her to think I don't...she is my life....if something happens to her I will not be able to live. I need to find her!" I cry.
"I know you love her...and she does too..but she wouldn't want you starving yourself and not sleeping..please eat..I'll check on the boys!" She said hugging me.

The Russo brothers were not their usual self. Amator was busy in his office... screaming at his mafia members to find his sister.

The usual happy and loving Elijah was not talking..he was sitting in the kitchen staring at the fridge.

Anthonie was in the gym blowing steam off. He had broken 2 punching bags and was on the third one now.

Noah and kade were in their rooms either sleeping or pacing around worrying for their cousin sister.

The twins were furious and their girlfriends were doing their best to stop them from going and killing the Russian mafia leader.

Alexander Russo was in his office looking at his daughters photoframe... wishing she would now enter his office and sit on his desk with her legs on the table...like a boss bitch.

It had been twenty four hours since their princess went missing. The whole household was silent when a unknown person sent the video of their princessa getting tortured.

I had been awake since 5 hours in this very dark room. I know I have been kidnapped by that psychotic idiot Dimitri.
The door opened and a guy came in.
"Funny to see a Russo tied to my chair...now to the topic...spill the deepest secrets girl of your family...I will be videoing this." Dimitri said as I shook my head.
"You don't know what you have gotten yourself into Dimitri....I will never talk about my family... even if I have to die!!" I yelled.
He got up and stabbed me in my thigh with a knife as I shouted in pain.
"Now will you tell??" He asked me ina Maniac voice.
"Never." I say as he walked out.
I was panting heavily due to pain in my leg.
A girl came in and dashed towards me.
"I am so sorry...let me help you...I can't stich that up but let me clean it." She said.
"Who are you?? Why are you helping me??" I ask her.
"I am Dimitri's daughter, he has kept me captive in here since I was in college. I know your big brother Anthonie." She says when it strikes my mind.
Anthonie was and is love with someone who is yet to be set free. She was from his college.
"OMG... you're her....you are Alaska...the one my brother loves!!" I say as lookes a bit shocked.
"I think you mean loved...he will never love me and he might even have moved on!!" She says as I smiled.
"I have seen my brother talk about you...he still loves you...and he never moved on even if he had the chance he didn't... thanks for this...I'll get you out as soon as possible!!" I say as she leaves me with a small smile.


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