34 : Running Away

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Talking about our future we will soon be leaving for college and the thought of spending my future with Maddie makes me happy.
Right now we are the hideout, with all the elders. Maddie's uncle is here with his kids.
Leon will be coming here with Anthonie. The twins and triplets are already here.
I stop the car near our house and wake Maddie up.
"How many houses do you guys have??" She says and runs up the stairs.

I follow her upstairs and see her looking at cousins.
"You guys !! You came back!!" She squealed and jumped into Riccardo's arm.
"Ahh...I missed this girl so much!!" He squealed as well.
"How is my little fireball?" Damien said.
"Are those his remaining triplets?" She asks him pointing at  Francesco and Lysander.
Apparently when she was taken, during the rescue she only met Leon, Damien and Riccardo.

"You must be Francesco the bad boy i have heard off!" She says as he ignores her.
"Oh.. please...don't be that stuck up person who is really sad. Not everyone has a cool sister as me" she says while we laugh.

After meeting all her brothers we go upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as we enter my room i kiss her.
"I love you!" I say ad she cuddles into my side as I drift off to sleep.

Today, Mia was going to tell all my brothers about the German mafia and my connection with them. But we had some other plans. After Amator will show us the video. Kade is going to make a copy of it.
On the middle of the night me, Greyson, Mia , Kade and Noah, will be making our way to Germany.
Then we are going to enter the German mafia estate and I think I would get to see my aunt and uncle amf some more of my cousins.
Mia in this whole thing is stuck between German and American Mafia.

I make my way downstairs after kissing a sleeping grey on his cheek.
I walk past Kade's room to hear moaning. Eww..not my best friend.
I gag and run my way down to the kitchen to see Elijah drinking something green and the triplets were also sitting and scrolling on their phones.
"I am I dreaming today..I literally don't have to drag her out of bedroom and kick Grey out!!" Elijah says dramatically waving his hands and suddenly check me as I have temperature.

I seat his hand away and sighed.
"I couldn't sleep yesterday night so I figured to stay painting and then I went to bed at 5 and woke up at 7 with a nightmare like usual." I sighed as the triplets perked up at the word nightmares.
"You have nightmares?" Francesco asked.
"At this age.. psychologically wrong!" I hear Rien say lowly.

"Oh..na it's not regularly. But my boyfriend has regularly. So he sleeps next to me so I can calm him down. It's his theory and it's the truth that I can only calm him down after the nightmare." I say and on que Grey enters the room.he pecks my lips to get a angry glare from all my cousins but he ignored them

I can't believe I am going tonight. I don't know when I will see these faces again. I feel something and I get up and hug Elijah snuggling into his chest as he kissed s first shocked but he still wraps me in his tender hug. I sigh in content and relax in my brother's hug.
"What happened baby?" He asked me.
"Nothing. It's been a while day since you gave me a hug." I smile cheekily as he flicks my forehead lightly. I giggled and let him go.

After Mia comes down I see her limping a bit. I punch kade in the arm as he smiles at me smugly.
"I'm going to check my bestie, I hope you spared her yesterday?" I whisper
"Perfectly safe, just don't aak her about it she will not resist me!" He smirked as I hit the back of his head.

I walked upstairs to hear some sniffles. I slowly open the door to see Mia sitting on the window crying.
"Come here." I say as she hugs me cries. I see Kade and Greyson come in and both of them are shocked to see her so vulnerable. Kade rushed towards us.
"Baby, what happened??" He asked her frantically as he wrapped her in his arms.
I looked at grey and hugged his waist.
"N.. nothing..I ju..just feel..like I am dragging you guys into my family matter..when you have your family waiting for you!!" She cries. Kade looks so angry right now.
"MIA BELLA DEVON!!  You don't say anything like that. We are also your family , and family always stays together. I don't care if I have to die for you . I love you and I will never let anyone hurt you baby!!" Kade says.
I was shocked. Me and Greyson just witnessed kade Russo say I love you our little nerd/ fighter Mia Devon.
Holy shit...

After Kade's rant I don't bother saying I love you I instantly kiss him. I run my hands through his hair as he pulls me closer. I let lose and sleep in his arms. Sleep in the arms of my boy. My bad boy.

It's technically 11 right now and as our curfew we are in the bed. Me and kade get up and pack our suitcase. He decides to take a look at his siblings for the last time before we leave.
He comes back in the room with tears in his eyes.
"Mads is writting letter to them incase anything happens to her. I can't believe it." He cries as I wrap him in a hug as he cried on my neck.

I hear a knock on my door and mads peeks in.
"We are leaving. I couldn't look at them so I decided to keep the letters on the dinning table!" She says as she looks like she wants to cry. Kade pulls Mads into him as she cried. I rub her back as she hugs me.
"Well all be okay. We'll come back to them." She says as we all leave the bedroom. Noah disabled all the security systems till we leave the house completely. He is the only one who knows what we are doing and he has promised Mads he will not tell anyone.

We get out and my driver stands there with our car as we drive to the airport to my plane. I look back to see Mads crying as Greyson hugs her. I can see the love in their eyes just as I see Kade has for me. I hope this ends well.
I sigh and close my eye and lean on Kade and drift off to sleep.

~ Eren.falls

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