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This next part is the epilogue of partI of the story. This story is fast forwarded to 5 years so Mads is 21 now and Greyson is 23. All of them have graduated from college and Greyson has the mafia running as well as his own business company. Mads is a journalist but is also a writer and is working on her book. All of her brothers have a company passed down by their father and Amator is still the leader of the American mafia.

If you want to know what happened to her uncle and Trevor, it turns out that Trevor was actually Zaira's son but not from her husband. Later on after all Mads brothers had their fair chance with them they were taken to the mafia court and executed for their crimes.

Mads and her mother's relation was in the best terms. Her mother met her fiance Grey and they hit off instantly as mother in law and son in law relation.

Mads mother also met a handsome man at the cafe she always used to visit. And now they are in a relationship. Thea and Amelia are best of friends and both of them love mads as their own daughter.

Mads and her brothers are still the safe. Goffy, best buddies, and still have each other's backs no matter what.

This is the story until now, that is 5 years later and after the epilogue we will see the story of the Madison and Greyson's daughters.

Until next time...

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