20 : Hospital again

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When I was about to go talk with my father...the alarm went off. Something bad has happened. I opened my phone to see the alarm was sounded from Maddie's art room. We quickly ran in to see nico sitting down with Maddie in his lap. He was crying. I have seen him for the second time.
"Let's go!!" Hunter yelled as we started to run outside to our cars. I immediately called Sandro because he is doctor and we went to his hospital.
I reached inside the building and followed nico and my other sons who were now running to the floor on which she was taken.
She had been taken into the operation theatre now.
I was sitting outside. The thought of losing my daughter was haunting my mind.
"It was her mother's birthday dad. She wanted to do this party so she could get her mind off . If she wanted she could have talked to us...but she wanted to do it herself. She wanted Aiden to have fun..be happy... receive all the love we could never give. I guess it's our fault she is in this mess. I'd do anything to make her feel better. I promise you dad I am going to tell Aiden about the party." Nico said as he cried.
I went upto him and brought him in a comforting hug.
"Alexander, how is she??" Amelia asked as she ran in.
"I don't know the doctors are still checking her. They have been since 20 minutes." I said as she hugged all her sons who were either pacing around or sitting on the ground.

**After 15 minutes**
"Mr. Russo?"
"Yes it's me...how Is she??"
"Yes she is totally fine but she has to stay in the hospital overnight so we can monitor her. She had not eaten since morning which lead to loss of consciousness and fainting. Please make sure you never let her skip any lunch or dinner. Otherwise she is fine...you may go in and see her... atleast 3 people can stay here tonight. Please go in pairs to see her." The doctor said as I breathed the sigh of relief.
"We will visit her first then you boys can go." Amelia said as I went in.
Maddie was wired up to different machines as we entered she saw us and smiled.
"How was the party??" She asked.
This girl.
"Maddie you are the one who is in the hospital and still you are thinking about the damn party...are you gone mad?!! Why would you not eat. If it was your mother's birthday we would have visited her grave but no. You wanted a party to arrange and starve yourself.!" I screamed as she looked at me.
"Sorry dad, it's just I wanted to complete her wish. To find happiness. And I did. I made Aiden happy today. I never intended to guilt trip the boys I just wanted to show them what they are missing. Now they must be angry with me. O my god what have I done. I'm such a bad sister!!" She cried.
"Maddison Russo you are the best sibling my boys and my little girl would get. When I told Aiden thta this party is arranged by you and not her brothers she was more than happy but she was also a tad bit sad  because you didn't tell her. The boys are not angry on you...they are thankful that you showed them what they were missing. You have such a big family who love you...a loving boyfriend who is outside dying to meet you. Hearing that you are in the hospital he literally flew back here with the first flight leaving his family vacation so that he can be with you till you recover..you also have your friends who will protect and love no matter what. This is your future Maddie... accept it and work on it baby." Amelia said as she hugged Maddie.
"I will... thank you mom... thank you for this." She said.
She called Amelia mom. Amelia was now crying.
"Well...you did take the place of a mother figure in my life after mom passed away...and being my stepmom you always supported me like I am your child..so thank you so much mom. " Maddie said as she hugged her.
"I'll send the boys in." I said as we left.
"Don't mess up.. grey let them talk and then you can see her...eat something please...or else I will also have another guy in the hospital." I said as he nodded

Seeing Maddie all wired up to machines made me sick. We walked in to see a smiling Maddie. How can she even smile when she is in the hospital on a filthy bed.
"Can you stop smiling. You are clearly not well here." I snapped as she grinned.
This girl is going to be the death of me.
"I'm so sorry. It's all our fault you are here..If we just stayed and mended our relation with her instead of those useless chicks at school you would never be on this condition...Greyson would not have punched me or...." She cut nico off.
"Grey is here...that idiot!! Did he just leave his vacation and come here??" She asked me as I nodded.
Only Maddi. Carring about others while she suffers.
"Hey...okay all of you....I didn't do this party just to point or blame you that you are ignoring Aiden...I did it because I want my family happy. I didn't want Aiden to feel that her brothers are not fond of her or hate her. And as the topic of my mom's birthday comes she had told me before leaving to be happy and forget all the bad moments so that's what I was doing...now cheer up you also have to mend relations with her. All of you will take her day by day and spend some time with her. And as for me I will check in on time. Now give your sister a hug!!" She screamed as we all hugged her.
"Group hug!!" Ethan yelled as he hugged her.
Always high on sugar that guy!!
"Come on lover boy must be impatient outside. If we don't go I'm sure he will barge in. Well check on you tomorrow babysis...bye." Noah said as we all hugged her once again before going out.

"Oi... Mr loverboy...go see her!!" I said and pushed my best friend who glared at me while I flipped him off.

"Baby girl...why would you do that!!! What if something happened to you!! What would have I done!! Are you mad Maddison Russo!! You gave me a heart attack. When Aunt A called me saying that you are in the hospital I literally ran out of my room yelling a bye to my family and got the first flight back!! Do you know how irritating it is to sit next to an old lady who keeps on snoring next to you in the economic class!! Maddie I..."
"Shut up baby!!! I'm fine you big duffus..why would you come here and leave the Family vacation you were on!!! You finally found your long lost brother and this what you do!! I am so mad at you right now..I want to slap you hard..." I cut her off bye kissing her.
"Shush... nothing is more important to me in this world. How can I enjoy when my dear girlfriend is lying in the hospital and on a filthy bed. Now go to sleep you need rest." I said.
"Please stay!" She gave me those big brown puppy dog eyes which I can never resist.
"Fine." I gave in as I wrapped her in a hug and she laid her head on my chest.
I went to sleep after hearing some small and light snores from her.


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