16 : Rescue and Surprise

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It's been atleast 6 hours since me and hunter have been captured. We heard some kids from this gang targeting Maddi. We risked it to keep our sister safe. These people don't even know what torture is. Just sloppy punches is never called torture. Hunter was tied to a chair in front of me. He had a black eye, busted lip and a scar on his forehead which definately needed stitches. The gang people had taken out watches and phones away so no tracker. I don't know how we were going to be saved but I know mads had something planned.
Suddenly the door banged open and a man stepped in with a pole in his hand.
"It feels so nice two youngest boys from the Russo family and one from the Castro trapped in a place!!" He laughed.
Wait Castro. Greyson's Family.
"What does their family have to do with this!!" Hunter yelled.
"Bring him in!!"he yelled to the guard.
"Bring who in!!" I yelled. Please don't be Grey. Maddie will be traumatized.
Then I see a man , with the same built as Elijah. He had brown hair and was being dragged by chains. I saw the familiar stormy grey eyes who played me since I was a toddler. It was Xavier. My Xavi. He was like a brother to is twins. He was greyson's big brother. He was alive.
"Xavier. Your....your alive!!"hunter yelled. Before he could say anything I heard gunshots outside.
"What's going on!!" The man screamed.
"Oo...just the American Mafia attacking your tiny gang who work with the Russians." I smirked. Xavier kicked the man and grabbed his knife.
"Hello little R" he whispered in my ear as I silently cried. He was like my biggest support system. When he died I thought I was left alone in my life and then Maddi came for me. She is just like him.
"Hello big R" he said as he untied hunter. We both crashed him in a hug.
"We thought you died!!"I whispered.
"Never. How's my princess??" He asked tearing up. Selena and Greyson were 12 when he died or not died or....forget it.
"She is 18 and is my girlfriend now." I said as he hugged me.
"I'm glad she had someone like you and who is Maddison??" He asked.
"Oh...Maddi is our half sister...well more like our sister by blood. She came to live with us 5 months ago and is dating grey." I smirked.
"My little Greyson is dating!!oh my god!!" He laughed. The door to our room banged open and I saw Eli and kade make their way to the dead man on the floor. They stared at Xavier and suddenly Eli hugged his best friend.
"You idiot. We thought you died. Do you know how much we cried after your flipping ass. How grey and sel lost their support system. You idiot how are you alive!!" Kade yelled at him after Eli gave Xavier a tight slap.
"I'll tell you on the way...let's get out...hunter's cut needs medical attention as soon as possible." Xavier said. Kade and Eli hugged both of us tightly. Eli led us to a van at the back side while all the fight was going at the front side. I called home.
"Hey , Eli please tell me they are safe." I heard a panicked Maddie on the other side.
"Yes M we are safe and alive."
"Nico...OMG you idiot why would you do that!! Leave that get home as soon as you can!!" She yelled and kept the phone.
I'm sure she was going to get dad.
What was she doing up at 4 in the morning.
"Yep I just talked to a crazy Maddie right now. Hunt it's our last night today!!"I screamed as they laughed at me.
"Amator and rest will arrive after they blast the warehouse with all the members. Selena is at your home with your parents. I will call them as soon as we clean you up. And don't ask Maddie anything about her mother she cuts all of us off. Jer mother died due to cancer. Better not touch that nerve." Kade told Xavier who was now starting to lose his consciousness.
"Guys drive fast...we have an half conscious Xavier and a bleeding Hunter in the back!!" I yell.
"Yep...we are in the driveway now and I see Maddie and Mom!!" Eli yelled as he slammed the breaks.
Maddie came running to the van and opened it. She was first confuses seeing Xavier. I looked at her and she got the message of 'tell you later'. Mom saw Xavier and gasped. He was like a son to her. She started to panic. Maddie told her to go in. The gang members placed Xavier and Hunter on stretchers and wheeled inside. Maddie came upto me and slapped me.
"What was that for!!" I yelled.
"That was for not telling me anything. It was also because you decided to go risk your life . And it was also because I would have lost both of my brothers that I found just 5 months ago. Do you think I would have liked that." She yells at me while sobbing. I can't see her cry so I pull her in a hug as she cries in my chest while clutching my tattered shirt.
"Shh...it's okay...we ate here...safe and sound... nothing will happen to us ever and we will never leave you or Aiden or anyone." I say as she whimpers.
"Come with me now...I want to clean up all your wounds. I do it to all my family. Now come on."
We both make our way to the kitchen. She makes me sit on the chair on our dinning table. She started to clean my wounds and work on the cuts.
After I was finished she sent me to shower. I came down to find hunter sitting at the table with a bandage on his forehead. I go and hug him.
"Okay sit down and eat this . NOW!!" Maddie orders. How can she make pasta in a span of 15 minutes. I start to eat it without any question.
"Who is that guy you brought in??" She asks.
"Oh...um...he is Xavier." Hunt responds.
"As in Grey's brother!! Holy s**t!!...Do they know!!" She yells.
"No he doesn't but let them come....it's s surprise." I say as she nods and goes to the living room to check on Aiden.



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