13 : First Mafia Mission

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Ethan had woken up the next whining that he wanted to go home but doctors said he had to be kept under observation. I used to go to the hospital after completing my homework every to see a whinny 20 year old guy.
Today the girls and I were going on our first mission to a warehouse near the lake. A guy named Damien thought it was fun to sell the drugs on American mafia to the Germans. We had to deal with him today.
I wore some Jean's with fishnets and a black tank top .
I attached my gun holders to my pants and put on a mask.

I attached my gun holders to my pants and put on a mask

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"Okay...so girls you will be divided into pairs Mia and Raven will go with Amator and Elijah while Selana and mads will go with Greyson and the twins. Let's go I will tell you the plan on the way through the blutooth make sure you keep gas mask with you ." Noah warns us.
We sit in the van and Grey keeps his hands on my waist. I look at him to see him smirking. I don't know why but a sly smile appears on my face as well.
"What are you smirking at ?" I ask him silently as Nico and Selena are having some really important talk next to us and nico seems a bit unhappy.
"Just thinking how my girlfriend is going to kick some ass today." He says and I laugh. He brings me for a kiss.
We reached the warehouse in 15 minutes.
"Okay Twins you are Alpha , Amator you are beta as always and kade and the guys are delta. I will command through the drone. Roll in." Noah said.
Grey squeezed my hand as we took our guns and entered. We climbed up the ladder and the twins killed the man up their silently. We entered the second floor. Me and Grey were standing back to back shooting people with our guns. Selena had chosen some detonating arrows and Greyson had some bombs and automated guns.
I walk into a room with cheetah printed chair. Grey backs me as I enter the room. I check the computer of any details and transfer it all in the pendrive bracelet dad gave all of us . I turned around to see a bulky man pointing a gun at us. I laughed.
"You have the audicity to insult and point a gun towards the American Mafia Princess." I smirked as his hand started to shiver.
"Messing our shipments are we now....and you think we won't know. Fantastic." Grey smirked as he held the man on his knees and nodded at me.
"Here is my first kill. Congratulations for being the first target man." I say and shoot him in his head. I hear Noah tell us to wear gas masks and get out. I destroyed the computer and Grey holds my hand as we run down the stairs simultaneously killing any men from the other side. Suddenly Grey yells in pain. I look at him to see blood gushing out of his arm. I turn around and shoot at the man who is above us in the head. I start running with Grey behind me.
Sel and all the guys are near the van. We quickly jump in and Noah starts to drive.
We hear the bomb blasts which Sel and Grey had planted in the warehouse. Elijah starts to take the bullet out of his arm and Grey squeezed my hand . To calm him down I keep on giving him small kisses on his forehead. My brother's seemed annoyed. I look at Selena and Nico all cuddled up. I guess Mia is calling her boyfriend. Raven broke up because she found him cheating but I see she has hots for Hunter as they are cosy with each other. Ahh...love. I look at Grey who is now panting. He looks at me and smiles
"You did great today." He says as I snuggle in his chest and he wraps his good arm around me. I look up and kiss his chin.
"You up for the photoshoot with me tomorrow?" He asks.
"Yep...I guess I will get to see my boyfriend's abs tomorrow." I whisper as he chuckles.
"Maybe you have seen them before?" He questioned as I laugh and he kissed my cheek.
I help him out of the van when we reach home. His mom gasps when she sees his arm. He goes and wraps her in a hug. I internally awwed and I suddenly remember my mom. Unknowingly I start to play with her locket. I guess Amelia saw my actions and she comes and hugs me.
"She is proud of you Maddi...I'm sure." She aus in my ear.
I nod and go and hug dad and my brothers decide to enter our hug as the give us a big group hug.
"I'm so proud...you did so well!!" Dad beams .
Amator and Elijah nod as they give me a hug and go upstairs. I go to my room and take a shower to wash all the blood. I wrapped a towel around my self and walk out to find Greyson on my bed with his phone.
"OMG...grey you sacred me." I yell at him as I hold my towel tightly around my body. He shamelessly checks me out and I click my fingers infront of his face.
"Oi...eyes up here Mister!!" I scold as he towers over me and brings me to his chest. I blush hard as he wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Grey I need to change go take a shower, we can makeout later." I say but he doesn't move.
" Eres tan hermosa mi amor." He says in his Spanish accent.
(You are so beautiful my love)

I giggle and play with his hair. He latches his mouth to mine as I play with his hair. He stumbles into the wall and picks me up as we kiss. We move to the bed and he lies me down. He starts to kiss my neck as I arch my back and moan slightly. His mouth never leaves my neck .
I take his t shirt off and throw it somewhere. My hands roam on his hard abs as he kisses me on my lips.
We kiss each other for such a long time. I then send him to have a bath while I change into a fresh set of undergarments and one of Ethan's tshirt I stole with shorts.
I go through my Instagram until Greyson comes out with only sweatpants on. I silently take his picture and giggle. He turns to look at me and smirks. I grab him and push him on my bed and straddle him. He keeps his hands on my waist. I play with his hair as we talk and occasionally kiss. Sometime later I feel myself sleep on him. He whispered something like " Good night mi amor." and I drift off.


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