37 : Mia's father.

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As soon as we reach the hotel we go to our suit and I make my way to the shower. I keep on thinking of a plan but there was so much on my mind. I quickly got out and took out my note pad and Started to jot down my points.
After thirty minutes I had covered up a wall with papers, tapes, picture and the German map.

After thirty minutes I had covered up a wall with papers, tapes, picture and the German map

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"Hey Babe...oh wow. What's on your mind?" Kade said as he entered our room.
"A lot of things but the only thing I know is we should call Amator..things might get really ugly." I say.

"Why are things gonna get ugly? And why is your wall like this?" Mads asks me as she sits down.
"Wait isn't that your mom, Mads?" Grey says as she looks up.

"Okay..sit down.. Grey get some water. Mads your mother, was my father's best friend. His name was Stephan. Apparently I found out that your aunt loved my father, but he loved my mom. So when I was born she killed my mother in front of my father and later killed him too and adopted me but with no legal matter. Your mother is my godmother. So this is what I found and this clip is what will shock you. Have a look. It was made yesterday." I said and Mads gasped.

I looked at the the laptop and saw my mother chained up to a steel pole. Her hair was short. She had torn clothes and blood running down her face as if she was beaten a minute ago.

"Now..now..Twinny..stop moving around..we have a video to shoot. You will look in this camera and ask your daughter, my pretty little niece. You ask her father to give me a million dollars, his plane and a safe house and his daughter so that you can live your life freely." She said to her sister.

"Let me tell you Zaira, my daughter and her father will never give you these things and about taking her, she can knock you out in a punch. You better keep your dirty, nasty off that family or else you will get crushed in a minute." Mom said but the guard stepped up and punched her in the stomach.

"Mads, my baby, don't listen to her and tell your father to kill her. I feel so bad to tell you that this woman is your aunt. Tell Stephan I miss him and his daughter is so grown up.!" She says as her sister grabs her by her hair.

"You bitch!!... Alexander Russo.. surrender the given list and you will be spared or else I'll kill you, your family, and your half daughter's mother. Beware!" She says.

I close the laptop and start to cry as Grey pulls me in a hug.
"She is alive!!...My mom's alive.. do you hear that my mom's alive and so is your Father Mia!! I have to call Stephan!!" I cry out loud as Mia nods and tears run down her face.

"You know my Papa?"
"Yes Mads..your Father is the head of crime branch back in California. I met him so many times. I knew his wife was killed and he had a daughter who was taken away..I didn't know it was you!!" I say as she hugs me.

I take my phone and facetime Stephan.
"Maddison Russo...where the hell are you!!? And where is your mother??"

"Uncle Steph..mum is taken by her twin sister and she is in Germany..I am here too. I had to look ve with my father who is so nice. Anyway I think I found someone who have been finding for so many years." I say as he questioned me.

"Steph meet your daughter, the one who was taken away by Zaira, Mia Anderson!" I say as his eyes goes wide and Mia steps into the camera view.
"My baby!! Oh my god!!you have grown so much. You were just a little peanuywhen you were born!!" He cried as Mia and Kade laughed.
"Papa!!she killed mama?!...I didn't even meet her properly...I was just 6 months old!!" She cried as Steph consoled her.
"You have grown in such a wonderful woman..your mama will be so proud!! I am coming to Germany right now...I will be arriving tomorrow with my team and I'll meet you soon baby!!" He said as Mia nodded.
I left both of them talking and went to my and Grey's room. I sat down in the hammock and took my old phone and called Amator.
I know I should have called Elijah but right now talking to Amator os the best option.

"Maddison Russo..you leave the house like this in the middle of the night..." I cut him off.
"My mom is alive."
"Mum... she is alive her twin sister had her frame her death because she wants dad's safe house, a plane, million dollars and me."
"Where are you?"
"I'll send you our location from Grey's laptop and Mia's father is also coming tomorrow morning with his team. He is the head of police department back in California. Secret agency."
"You better send it fast and wasn't Mia a adopted child by the German Mafia?"

"They were not even legal papers. There is no proof she is adopted by them. Illegal adoption. "
"We will be there tomorrow and please be safe."

I just want my family out of this trouble and we need a good plan.

Everyone meet Mia's biological dad.
~ eren.falls

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