22 : Christmas

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It's been a week since I came back from the hospital and Grey has been with me all the time looking if I eat all my food and take my meds.
It's December now and snow is started. I love the snowy days. Reminds me of my childhood a lot. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if my dad was with me since my childhood.
Right now I'm sitting in the backyard near the fire place with some hot chocolate. Aiden and the boys are playing in the snow while me mom and dad sit on the sofa.
"What are you thinking babygirl..you seem lost??" Dad asked me as I was thinking about my childhood days.
"Nothing...I was remembering my childhood days...the joy of snow was so refreshing and amazing I still remember...when I was small I used to get up early in the morning and take all my coats and gloves scarfs out and choose which one to wear. I used to dash outside and play in the first snow of the year. It was a different feeling."I said as grey wrapped a cosy blanket around us as I told them what I did for Christmas.
I opened my phone and showed Grey a picture of me and mom on our Christmas outing.

I opened my phone and showed Grey a picture of me and mom on our Christmas outing

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"She was an angel and she raised a beautiful one. Don't cry . Remember all the things you both did and make more memories." Grey whispered in my ear as I kissed his cheek.
Hunter and raven were huddled up in a blanket while Nico and Sara were whispering something into each other's ears and laughing. Kade and Noah were talking with their girlfriends on FaceTime because they were out of town. Ethan was wrapped in a blanket with a sleeping Aiden with him. Elijah had posted something on Instagram related to his relationship. He also mentioned"babe" in his post. I wonder if it's his personal assistant.
Sofia is a really bubbly and sweet woman. She has also met me a few times. I have seen Eli looking at her with admiration and love. I wonder what's going on between them.
Me , Sara , Raven and Mia were supposed to go out today but the snow started so we decided to spend time at my home.
I was brought out of my thoughts when Grey picked me up.
"Ahh...why would you do that??" I yelled as my brothers laughed.
"Nothing...just thought we should make some choco chip cookies." He smiled like a 5 year old.
He sure is a baby.
"Okay..but promise me no messing around with the floor or else I'm not doing it." I said as he pouted but still gave in.

After a lot of "stop eating the batter" and "Greyson Castro!!" Threats we managed to make the cookies.
"Guys... cookies are done!!" Once I yelled that statement I swear there was a stampede and all the boys including dad came running into the kitchen and stood in front of me waiting for permission. Ha...I scare them...even Dad.
"Go ahead...these are all yours and those are ours." I say as I take a tray outside for the ladies.
We gossiped and talked till 1 in the morning. Slowly I started to feel asleep when someone picked me up. I opened my eye to see Grey and slept again.


I was woken up two people bouncing on my bed like small children. You are right Ethan and Nico decided to wake me up by jumping on my bed.
"Guys...let me sleep...it's to early." I whinned.
"Nope...no...get up Maddison Russo...it's Christmas today!!" Ethan yelled
"Fine...get out I need to change!!" I shooed them out.
I changed into a short skirt and a black turtle neck top.

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