4 : shopping

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Hunter's pov.

It's been a week since madds was home and I like her alot. She like a other version of me. We both like the same sports , love cars , love the same sweets and she also loves to paint but no one knows that. We were just listening to music and she suddenly barged onto my room and went to my art supply closet. She took some black , grey and teal with some brushes and my Canvas stand. After half and hour I decided to check on her and saw her painting a geometric butterfly. That's when she told me about her paintings and she was a child artist and her paintings were also selected in a exibition. We both talked more about the paintings and our favourite artists.

Today me , Ethan , kade and Noah were taking Maddie for shopping.
"Hey Maddie you ready we have to leave!!"I shout.
"Yes Hunt I'm coming. Calm down mad man."she shouts back. She really has an obsession for calling me Hunt. I groan and stand impatiently waiting for her.
She came out wearing my twins sweatshirt and some black ripped jeans and canvas shoes.
"Don't look at me like that...I wore your sweatshirt yesterday. Now let's go!!"she yelled. I am literally gonna buy her some girly clothes. 
Maddison had managed to Steal at least two of our hoddies. I remembered when Aiden was 3 she used our hoddies as her PJ's.
We ate breakfast as dad was talking about the mafia with Maddison. I know she is strong but I was willing to train her with myself and nico. We sat into Ethan's black range rover and made our towards the mall.
"Okay me , nico and Maddie are gonna
Shop for her and her school supplies. Kade and Eth you can shop for some electronic accessories and a tv and some more video games for her room. " I said as we split up.

**After shopping spree **

Maddison's pov.

After we finished shopping me and nico made our way to the food court when someone slapped my ass. I turned around to see a old man.
"You look good. Mind a quicky...I am free." He said while grabbing my hand tightly. Oh shit...it's gonna bruise badly.
"Sorry...but I don't do it. "I said but he won't let go.
I kicked him and swept him off his feet causing nico to look back. Nico grabbed his neck and lifted him up while I gave him a broken nose and black eye.
"Never touch any girl like that you pathetic human. Especially not the Russo princess. "
The man looked shocked and I saw fear in his eyes. Nico called my guards and the man was dragged away.

Nico's pov.

I pulled madds into a hug she wrapped her hands around my waist. I picked her up and brought her to the car and laid her in the backseat. Kade and Ethan got back after 5 minutes. Before they could ask anything I signed them to drive home.
I explained everything to my brothers in a low voice. Their jaw clenched and Ethan's grip on the wheel tightened.
After an hour we reached home and I let Hunty pick Maddi from the back seat. We went inside and Hunter went to keep Maddi in her room. I explained everything to my brothers, mom and dad. Mom went maddison's room with a first aid kit.

I entered maddison's room to find her awake and painting a canvas. It was basically dark art . I knew this girl had gone to something rough. I knocked on her door.
"Can I come in?"
She nooded. I gestured her to sit down on her bed. I looked at her hand to see a bruise forming.
I slowly applied the antiseptic and wrapped her hand.
"Thank you so much Amelia....you have been so nice to me since I came here. You truly are an angel."Maddison whispered.
"Thank you Maddison. You have done more than me. You have actually bought my son's to their senses. They had forgotten Aiden but since you came they have made a move to play with her, talk to her. Not like they never did but I think it's more excited and adorable." I smiled.
"Aiden truly is a Princess. She is too innocent." I smiled at her statement.
"Okay...let's go downstairs your dad is dying to see you. He nearly ripped the door out of its hinges so he could see you."I said while Maddi laughed. We made our way down the stairs and Maddi crept behind my eldest son and scared him. As Amator laughed I realised I had never seen him so happy.

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