21 : recovery

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It's 10 in the morning and I can't wait to get out. Mom came in a while ago with a bag of clothes. She had brought some black leggings with one of Greyson's hoodie I had in my closet.

 She had brought some black leggings with one of Greyson's hoodie I had in my closet

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I had one of his hoodies everywhere I went because his scent calmed me down. And if his smell starts to fade away....I tell him to wear it the whole day and steal it back again. Easy as that.
"Baby you ready...we have to goo!!" Grey groaned. He is a very impatient baby.
"Yes I'm ready to get out of this hell. It's so eww here!!" I say from the bathroom and heard him and the twins snicker.
"Oi...no snickering...I'm not staying here a minute anymore." I said as I hugged Grey. He kept his hands around me and his chin on my head. Comparatively I was very small next to him.
"Oi..keep distance..no touching!!" Nico said as I laughed and Greyson smirked. Ahh...I knew the next comment.
"Then stay away from my sister!!" Grey smirked.
"Why do you always have to bring your sister in this conversation every damn time I say something."
"Because you are her boyfriend and I'm her brother...so I also have the right to be overprotective." Greyson smirked as Nico slumped on the bed.
"Okay Princess...let's go!! You need Starbucks on the way??" Dad asked as he took the bag while Greyson picked me up bridal style.
"Yep...I miss my love!! Starbucks here I come!!" I yelled.
"You wound me baby!!" Greyson said and I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek to make it better.
Better baby.

After we went to Starbucks and we all got drinks for the Family. I was sitting with Greyson and Nico in the back while dad and Hunter were talking about some mission.
"Dad...when am I going on a mission again??" I asked him while nico stared at me.
"You are still returning from the hospital and you are asking about a mission!! Are you crazy. Dad lets take her back to the hospital." Nico said as I yelled a big no to make them all laugh.
"Fine. I won't ask again." I grumbled and pouted.
"Babe...wipe off that pout now or I will do something!!" Grey smirked.
I also heard some really colourful words being exchanged. But my started to get droopy. I settled in Greyson's chest and fell asleep.

Seeing Maddie sleeping I took out my phone and clicked her picture.

"Send it to me !!" Hunter whispered as we entered the mansion

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"Send it to me !!" Hunter whispered as we entered the mansion.
I picked Maddie's bridal style and carried her in. I entered her room and slowly lowered her on her bed.
"Please stay." She whispered.
I took my shirt off and slid in next to her as she kept her head on my chest. I wasn't able to sleep so I kept going through my Instagram as she slept.

Sometime later the door opened and Aunt A came in.
"After she wakes up give her the food and tablets as they will make her sleep again. And Thank you Grey for staying by her side."
"No probs Aunt A..she is my girlfriend of course I will stay with her." I said as she gave me a small flying kiss while I catched it. It was our thing since I was small.
Maddie woke up soon. I told her to get freshend up while I reheated the food.
I brought some apple juice and some Oreo as well. She first ate her pasta and then the Oreos.
I had to leave after sometime which mads did not like. She clutched onto me as I hugged her tightly.
"I'll see you soon. I have an important mission. I guess the boys and girls are also coming with me. You are staying here while I come back. Aiden and Aunt A will be here. Have your girls night and get proper sleep. I'll see you after I come."
I said as she pouted. I kissed the pout and she laughed.
"Come back soon. Please be safe and don't get hurt." She said as I left. All her brothers came in and gave her and Aiden hugs and forehead kisses.

As soon as the boys left Aiden went to bed. It was past her bed time so she decided to go to sleep. Mom was in her office on my floor attending some meetings. So I was alone. I opened my laptop and traced the location of the boys. I connected my laptop to their coms and GPS tracker.
"Amator and Anthonie....slow down...their are at least a hundred men armed with AK47s
and hand guns. " I said as their movement slowed down.
"Maddie I did tell you to rest." Grey said.
"Mh... sorry I couldn't sleep." I said .
"Nico take a left and go straight...I can see their main office. I'll hack into the computer system and block the biometric scan."
"K..mads...better hurry up sis!!" He said while  shooting some people.
"K...and....done...enter team gamma. Grey and hunt I see a guys sneaking up your left. Eli kill him already!!" I groaned as he was messing around with a guy who seemed he would die any minute.
"Nico..set the bombs up now...let go!!" Noah yelled through his com while I yelled at Amator to get out of the building.
"Guys... smoke bombs are out...move move move!!" Grey yelled as they ran to the van and the building burst. Damn that was close bro.
"I told to set the bomb for a more minute Nicolas!!" Kade yelled as the others laughed.
"Hey babe... we're safe.. coming back...make a small cuddle onesie for me!!" Grey said as I squealed.
I heard my brothers laugh and say whipped but what can I say I love him. I go to my closet and pick out matching snitch onesie and also pick a movie.

 I go to my closet and pick out matching snitch onesie and also pick a movie

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As soon as Grey comes I make him clean up and change. For the rest of the night we both cuddle and occasionally kiss.


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