12 : Hospitals

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When we reached the forth floor I saw all my brothers either pacing around or sitting with their heads in their hands.
The doctors had treated them. I could see bandages on their hands.
I made my to the twins who were sitting next to each other.
I hugged Nico first. He sobbed into my shirt. I whispered soothing words to him. Amelia hugged Amator and Elijah first as they looked more stressed.
I made my way to Hunter. He had tears running down his face .
I took his face in my hands and looked into his eyes.
"You know he is a fighter and he will not give up so easily right. And you also know that he is gonna make it and then be a pain in the butt. So stop crying my twins and pray that he comes back and becomes a more pain in our butts. Okay." I said to them which caused them to laugh.
"Okay madds!" He laughed.
Once I hugged all my brothers I made my way towards Grey who was standing near the wall.
"Hey you okay." I said as I wrapped him in a hug.
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine I guess. It just reminds me how Xavier died." He said.
Xavier  was Selena's and Greyson's big brother. He was on a mission to Spain but he never came home instead someone sent his dead body in a coffin. Grey said that Xander would have liked me as we had same personality.
"Hey...look here...it's Okay. Ethan's fine. And about Xavier he will be proud of you because of what you are doing and how you have changed. He is seeing you grow the mafia empire into something he would have done as well. So stop thinking and don't stress it."I tell him. He brings me into a kiss and then hugs me tightly.
Around midnight the doctor came out of the operation theatre.
"Mr. Russo your son is safe but we have put him into a medical coma so he can recover from the injury faster. You may see him we have him shifted into a private room on 10th floor.
Dad and Amelia went in first. All my brothers went into the after that. I went in last. Seeing one of them in hospital made me feel fuzzy. I looked at Ethan all wired up brought water in my eyes. I sat down near his feet and silently cried. I had not shown my family the tears yet because they were unstable.
" Please I just got my family now and you are in the hospital in coma. I can't lose you too. Ethan you have to wake up. Not for me but for the whole family. For Aiden. Please Ethan wakeup." I broke down crying. A hand rubbed my back soothingly as I cried. I turned around to see Greyson. I hugged his torso as he ran his hand through my hair. I cried into him as he calmed me down.
"Let's go home you need rest . Your dad has allowed me to stay with you today. Let's go baby. Ethan will be fine . Amator and Noah are staying here for the night we will come tomorrow after school.
I kissed Ethan head and ran my fingers through his soft hair. In other cases he would have ran around the house screaming at me fir touching his hair.
The journey back home was very silent. Grey had propped me in his lap over the console and was driving my car as I snuggled into his warmth. I had his leather jacket wrapped around me. The smell of his jacket calmed me down. I started to fall asleep in the car due to exhaustion. Grey kissed my forehead and mumbled something I did not register. I don't know after how much time I felt like someone was carrying me. I opened my eyes to see Greyson carrying me to my room. He slowly kept me on my bed and went to change. I got up went to my closet and wore one of his sweatshirts I stole from his room. I layed down on my bed as he came in with only sweatpants on and no shirt. He climbed in bed with me. I couldn't help but look at his abs. Oo...mine.
He wrapped his arms around me as I cuddled into him. He kissed me on my lips to say good night and we drifted off.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see my boyfriend blond hair infront of me. He had his face squished in my boobs and I wrapped my hands around him and played with his hair.
I giggled and slowly got out of bed and made my way downstairs to cook some breakfast for all of the guys.
I made some choco chip pancakes , orange juice , some waffles with chocolate syrup and honey. Around half an hour later I yelled through the intercom to get their asses down for breakfast and then go to sleep again. I heard some thuds and all of the boys were now standing at the door drooling over the breakfast. Suddenly they charged at me and engulfed me in a big hug.
"You will not go to college. You are making me breakfast everyday." Hunter said as we laughed.
"Okay... enough talks let's dig in. I will go and give dad breakfast." I say as I make my way to his office with a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice.
I knock on his door but no reply comes and I enter the room to find dad sleeping on the couch with a family photo frame . It was the picture we took on my birthday.
I shake him a bit.
"Dad...dad wake up."
"Huh...good morning princess." He says and kisses my forehead.
I giggle and push him towards his bathroom in the office. After he washed up I give him the breakfast.
"That's so good Maddie...your a great cook. I'm gonna miss you when you are at college." He says.
" Dad I still have a year before going and I'm still in New York dad. Now eat up we are going to visit an very sleepy Ethan today. Yes he woke up..but eat and then go okay." I say as I hug him tightly.
"Okay Princess...good day baby!!" He says as I leave for my breakfast.


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