5 : Game night and sleepovers

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Today it was the monthly game night in the Russo family game room.
I ate dinner and ran to my room and changed into a Koala bear onsie while the twins had a tiger and panda onsie. I secretly took a picture of them .
I went into Aiden's room to see her choosing between 3 pajama sets.
She finally settled on a sap green polka dot PJ set. I picked her up and carried her on my hip to the backyard as dad said they wanted to play football first.
"Okay as my princesses have arrived we will start with the teams." Dad said.
Amelia was also playing with is while Aiden managed the scoreboard.
Finally the teams were :
Team Dad : Hunter , Ethan , Noah , Me and Dad.
Team Mom : Amelia , Amator , Nico , kade , Eli

We started to play and about half an hour later we had scored 4 goals while Amelia's team had 3.
"Daddy....it is gwolden gwoal time now!!" Aiden yelled.
"Okay baby!!"he yelled back to her as he was on the other side of the court.
Dad passed the ball to Hunt who dribbled it I asked him for the assist and shot the ball in the corner of the goal which Eli was yet to register. And we won!!
"Yay....daddy team win.!" Aiden yelled as she hugged both the team. Little Angel.
"Nice shot maddie!!"Hunt yelled as he crushed me into a hug.
"C-can't....b.. breathe... H- Hunt"I managed and he let go.
"Nice work babygirl!!"dad said and he picked me up bridal style.
"Hey...old man you are getting old don't pick me up...pick Aiden up...right Birdy?"I mocked as dad fake glared at me.
"Rwight....big sissy!!"Aiden said as she danced around her way up the stairs to the game room so we could play some board games or video games or watch movies with her.
For sometime we played Jenga blocks and Nico made the whole thing collapse. They decided to change the game while me , Amelia and Aiden went to get some snacks and blankets.
I bought some candies , chips , blankets, chocolates , and drinks. Amelia had made some burgers and chicken nuggets. Aiden was in front of us walking while she munched on a packet of lays.
"Okay... Russo's boys snakes and dinner is here..help yourself!!"Amelia shouted and all the boys rushed to the snacks table. I shook my head. Pigs.
We settled down on the couches to watch a movie. I settled down next to Amator and Ethan with Aiden cuddled onto me.
"You know madds...you are a really great sister and you are so strong..your mother raised you into a really great women and I am sure she is proud of you and when she will die...she will see you from a different place but still she will be your mother and will smile at you knowing that you are safe and strong."Amator whispered to me as I silently cried in his shoulder.
"I know bro...but look at me now...I have a real family...I have protective brothers like you...a great father like dad who looks out for all his children...a little sister like Aiden who makes my day better just by her cute toothy smile and a stepmom like Amelia who accepted me for who I am and not forgetting the idiot cousin who also are equally protective of me and Aiden. I have a real family who I will love and cherish forever and my mother will always remain inside me. Thank you Amator."I said as he brought me closer to him and Aiden was now on Ethan laps watching the movie.
I snuggled into Amator as he wrapped his hands around me. It felt so protective and safe under his arms . I never felt something like that before.

After one Disney movie Aiden fell asleep on Ethan so we decided to watch a action movie. Dad and Amelia had gone into their room long ago. Amator was on his phone texting someone. Hunter and Nico were playing COD on the x box in the room while me and my cousins were either watching movies or kade was helping me set up my iphone 12 . He added instagram , snapchat , Netflix , Spotify and many more "necessary apps" I double quote. I opened my Instagram account to see all my brothers had sent me a follow request. I accepted them . On snapchat kade added me into the family group called as
"Misfits of the Russo family"
I laughed at the name and sent a snap of myself and my blanket to my family and all of them took a screenshot. Aiden also had an instagram and snapshot account which Amelia handled. I asked her if I could also help her with Aiden's account and have a photoshoot for her cause I had finished my photography course and I was planning to become a professional photographer to which she agreed and now I am the families camera person for photoshoot.
I posted one of my pictures on Instagram.

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