31 : "Bad boy Kade is jealous!!"

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After reaching Bahamas me and Selena plan on making kade jealous and Mia will finally find out if he likes her or not.
All my friends dating my brothers is a bit weird but at least I don't have to chase any gold digger, sluts away.
I trust these girls so much they are my sisters. After school we are going to the same college as well for further studies.
The mission is tomorrow so the girls and the boys are planning for a beach time. As Amator and the other adults are not coming we can do anything. And by that it means we can wear our bikinis we slipped in.
"Okay so Mia, today we will get to know if kade really like you and if he does will he protect you." Selena said.
"What do you mean protect?" She asked.
"Okay...we will give you a bikini to wear and on the beach seeing you any boy will come and talk to you...if kade really likes you he will protect you or at least he will get angry." I say as raven smiles.
"Even Hunt told me he has a thing for you but is a scaredy cat behind the bad boy." She said as we all laughed.
"Maddie... Selena...we are leaving!!" Ethan called .
"Okay..get changed!!" I shouted at her.

I know these girls are trying so hard for kade to confess but I don't think he will. I am actually hiding a small lie behind their backs. Maddison is my youngest cousin sister . We are infact a month different. Her mother was my aunt. My mother's twin sister.  At that time, the Russians were behind her and my parents had helped her into binding. Seeing Maddie after so many years I really want to tell her our story. She doesn't know but she has mafia blood through her from both parents. Our mothers were the best of friends and trained us. They are the daughters of the French Mafia. I stay in contact with my parents and I have to tell her about our family. We are trained hitmans.
Behind my nerdy and innocent act I am a trained and professional hitman. I have told Amelia and Alexander about me and they have agreed to keep it a secret but we all know Maddie is in trouble right now.
My feelings for kade are real and I really love him but the problem is Maddie thinks I am her friend who is interested in dating her brother.

We make our way down and I see all the boys waiting on the patio impatiently.
"What made you late??" Noah yelled.
"Chillax bruh...we need to get ready!!" Raven said as we laughed. I felt someones eyes on me. I turned around to see kade looking at me. I blushed and gave him a small smile.
"Girl...get that top off!!" Selena yelled at me as I stood near the beach.
Maddie sent me a small wink as I smiled.
I quickly kept my surfboard down and took of my cover top. I applied cream and then ran into the water. I saw kade looking at me while the girls smirked.

Ugh..Mia is driving me crazy!! I swear if I lose control I'm gonna go and kiss the daylights out of her.
Seeing her in that damn bikini I had a damn boner.
"Yo.. bro...come on..stop being a pussy !!" Noah yelled at me as I rolled my eyes.
Grey and Maddie were now playing in the water with Selena and Nico. Raven and Hunter are busy making out. I look around to see Mia talking with a boy.
A Boy!! No not on my watch.
"Hey, let's eat ice cream shall we?" I ask her wrapping my arm around her waist as she looks at me questioningly.
"Oh..okay kade." Before we turn around the boy asks her for her number.
"Sorry, my girlfriend will not like to give you her number. Bye!" I say as I drag Mia away.
"Kade...what was that??" She yelled at me.
"I was just protecting you okay!!" I say.
"Well don't..oh come on...he was cute...I could have kissed him." She pouts.
Is the bad boy kade jealous??
No he isn't.
Yes I am!! Now shut up mind.

I cut her off by kissing her. I felt sparks going through me. She didn't kiss me at first but when she realised she immediately kissed me back. She ran her hands through my hair as I pushed her against the wall.
"Kade..kade...stop!" She said.
"What happened?"
"Why would you kiss me??!" She yelled.
"Because I like you!! I like you Mia!! I can't stay like this now. Seeing you with other boys kills me!! I love you since the day you stood up for yourself against me...I knew that day that you will never back down... seeing you all happy with your ex boyfriend hurt me so damn much..I had to go to underground and fight. After beating 4 adults and landing them in hospital and seen what I had become I knew you were never going to like me. Heck you won't see me as friend. I ignored all of the people who commented on me. I'm sorry if liked you and it is my mistake if I assumed that you like me. I'm sure I will not bother you again. Afterall people who love me leave me everytime." I say and turn around to go to the hotel room.

After kade said he liked me I was stunned. I couldn't say anything. This was the best thing but my heart stopped when he apologized for liking me only because he assumed he was broken and had anger issues. I felt the hurt in his voice when he said that the people who love him leave him the everytime. I wanted to stop him and tell him I love him but I couldn't. I remembered how broken I am and I can't fix myself. How can I fix his broken heart. Tears started flowing down my face as I ran back to the hotel and grabbed the car keys and drove to a random hill.


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