15 : kidnapped

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Since I woke up I have been getting this really bad feeling. I don't know what's going to happen but I feel like something bad.
I grab my gun and keep it in my bag. Just in case. Nico came down in a bit dazzed mood. I looked at him and saw some bags under his eyes. He was not sleeping well. Hunter also seemed tired. I went to the kitchen and made them some coffee and toast. I handed them the cups.
"Drink it. I can see you haven't been sleeping well. It will make you feel better." I whispered to both of them as I kissed them on their cheeks. Dad and Amelia were on a business trip to Paris. So Amator was incharge.
I grabbed the toast and ate it while going through snapchat. Greyson had just sent me snap. I opened it and laughed at it. Nico and Hunter looked at me as if o had grown two heads.

I opened my camera and asked hunt to take my picture in his hoodie

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I opened my camera and asked hunt to take my picture in his hoodie.

I opened my camera and asked hunt to take my picture in his hoodie

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I got up and got dragged to the car by Ethan. He was extra moody today. I got in his passenger seat and leaned on the window closing my eyes.
I was shaken up by Ethan as we reached school . I woke up and made my way to Grey's car. I saw him sitting on his front Bonet. I made my way to him and wrapped him in a hug.
"que paso bebe?Estás bien??" He asked in his Spanish accent as I hid my face in his chest.
(What happened babe? Are you okay??")
"Mhh...I'm fine...I just have this bad feeling since morning. I'm worried. Nico and Hunt are not sleeping properly. They were in my room last night. I don't know what's wrong. I'm worried!" I say as tears come in my eyes.
"Hey...they might be getting some nightmares. You do know that they came in your room for comfort. And I'm sure they will tell you once they are sure . Don't worry love." He tried to make me feel safe.
The feeling of upcoming bad thing was still in my body.
I jumped on his back as he carried me to class. I did not meet the twins in class.

Time passed in classes and it was lunch time. I made my way to the canteen and saw a girl trying to sit on Nico's lap. Before I could say anything Selena grabbed her hair and pulled her towards the trash can and emptied it on her head. I just wondered why nico did not react??
My question was answered when the twins got up and left the table without saying anything to anyone. Strange.
"Sel what happened to nico??" Grey asked.
"I don't know. I have been asking him since yesterday but he just brushes it. I'm scared now."she sighs as I wrap her in a hug.
After lunch I make my way to the worst class of the day. MATH. Who even made it!!.

I have math with Grey and the twins. Surprisingly they show up. I start to attempt a small talk but nothing works.
I sigh and give up. Nico tells me about their extra practice and I have to go home with Grey or Ethan and he storms off. Never have I saw nico like this. Something is really wrong.
I sigh and get into Grey's car as we drive home.

**At home**
All my brothers have come home except for the twins. I am pacing around the living room.
"Mads what are you doing?? Why are you pacing around??" Dad asks me.
"Dad, the twins are not home yet. I getting some really bad vibes now. I don't know what to do." I said as he hugged me to calm me down.
"It's okay...Eli get all the boys here with Aiden. Let's go to the tech room." Dad said as we made our way to his office. He put his fingerprint and the secret room opened.
We entered the room and I went straight to a computer to track the twins. Lucky I had installed some trial tracker in all their clothes. It was some trial and error. But I knew it worked.
"Dad , check this out. I found them." I yelled and all the boys came here.
"How did you track them??"kade asked while typing something on his phone.
"I have installed tracking chips in all your clothes just as a trial but the work." I said.
"Good work mads." Amator says and kisses my forehead.
I smile at him. Lucky Aiden does knows about the mafia and will be starting some basic training. Grey is gonna train her.
"Dad, they are near an abandoned warehouse near the river downtown. We can go right now." Ethan tells him.
"No not today....today midnight all the boys except for Amator will go. Not the girls because they have training and it's a midnight mission. You may go when the twins arrive and are well enough to continue." Dad says as I begin to protest. That shuts me up.
"No dad... please I want to go...they are in this because of me. I know I should have talked with them. Its all my fault." I start to cry.
Kade and Noah wrap me in a hug and take me to my room. I lay in my bed while Noah and kade soothe me.
Sometime later Greyson comes in my room and Noah and kade leave. I go upto him and cry in his chest as he rubs my back. He picks me up and stick to him like a Koala bear. My cries were now turned into whimpers. Grey was sitting on my bed with me in his lap for about 15 minutes.
"Baby...I have to leave for the mission now. We have to bring them back right."he said as I nooded. I got up and handed him two clean black hoddies. They were Hunter's and Nico's. He pulls me for a hug as I grasp his black tee. He pecks my lips as we go downstairs. I hug all my brothers and send them off as they leave. I connect myself with their coms so I can hear what's going on.

I hope my brothers come back safe.


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