6 : hell hole

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I was woken up by my brothers bouncing on my bed early in the morning.
"Guys...let me sleep....it's so early!!"I whinned and I also threw a pillow at whoever was waking me up.
"No Maddi wake up....we have school today and it's your first day...so get up!!"Nico screamed.
"Fine I'm up!!" I said as I kicked him out of my bedroom and I went into my bathroom and did my routines.

I headed downstairs but not before pressing a light kiss on my sleeping Birdy. She was in preschool and I will not see her soon so just saying  bye. I went downstairs and hugged and kissed dad on his cheek goodmorning.
All my brothers were still in their sweatpants and no shirt. This house has so many boys and none of them wear a Shirt. I swear I am going to kill them now. Poor me , Aiden and Amelia.
"Guys...go out a shirt on....I am present here...and I know you have tons of shirts...hi NOW!!!"I scream at them .
"How about no cousin sister...we have to show these built bodies."Noah says while pointing at his muscles to which I role my eyes.
"Okay forget them babygirl...I have a gift for you."dad says while he handed me a small box. I opened it and looked at him and back at the Lamborghini car key that was in the box. I squealed and dashed toward the parking go see a black matte Lamborghini in front of me.
I hugged Dad tightly as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Thank you, thank you for this dad!!"I squeezed him again.

"You have this car so don't drive so fast... follow your brothers car to school...and don't talk with other boys in the school they are just horney teenagers waiting for a new girl."dad said.
"Don't worry dad I know how to deal with them and I also have the twins , Noah , Ethan , kade  with me . I'll be perfect."I say as I say goodbye to him and accelerate my car and smirk.

After I guess 15 minutes we arrive at a big brick structure with a board saying

"Lakewood high school"

Me and the guys park our cars next to each other. Kade , Ethan walk over to my car.
Seeing my car most of the girls start to patch their makeup and dress. Ha thinking I am a boy.
I open the door and make a dramatic entrance. The girls look disappointed while the boys start eye raping me. Hunter and Nico walk with me while my other brothers trail behind us.
I hear whispers like "Who is she??" , "Is she hunter's girlfriend??" , "I wish I was her??" I smirk at the second one.
"OMG...why do you guys have to be so popular now I'm gonna get the attention!"I groaned as Nico and Kade snickered.
"Hey Mrs West...this is our sister Maddison Russo. We need her schedule and locker number." Ethan asked.
"Another one of you guys... aren't you enough for this school already. Anyway I hope you are not like them honey."she smiled.
"No Mrs West these are idiots...I'm not like them. I'll see you soon. Bye Mrs West."I waved at her.

Okay little miss let's get you to class 1 English with Mr. Baxter."Nico said.

Kade , Noah and Ethan kissed me bye as their classes were in a different building. Nico and Hunter did not have the first class with me but they managed to drop me off.
"Okay guys now go to your classes or else Amator will kill you."I said as gave them a hug.
"Bye sis!!"they yelled .
I took a deep breath and opened the classroom door and everyone's eyes were on me.
"Hi . I am Maddison Russo. I'm the new student."I smirked as I saw fear on their faces.
"Hello Maddison. Please take a seat next to Selena Castro and take a spare text from the shelf." Mr Baxter said.
I sat next to a brown hair coloured girl.
"Hey , I'm Selena Castro and welcome to the new school."she introduced herself.
"Hey , I am Maddison you can call me Maddi or madds or anything else you like. Thank you. I like your shoes a lot."I say and point to the customised nike air forces.
"Thank you... would you like to sit with my friends for lunch?"she asked.
"Umm...sure!" I responded a bit taken aback. None of the people on my old school had even talked to me and she just asked me to sit with her . I guess I am lucky.

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