2 : Home

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Maddison's pov.
Apparently I am travelling to New York to live with my biological father. He is none other than the Alexander Russo, former American mafia don and capo. My half brother Amator Russo is now the leader of the Mafia. I also have a step mother who is a fashion designer but also works in the mafia.
I am right now sitting in the flight to New York. My mother Thea mason suddenly told me to pack all my things and told me it's better for me to live with my father and his family. I know my mother has cancer and u guess she does not want to have the chemotherapy. She is the most amazing mother a child could have . We did everything together. We played, cooked, read, danced . She was the best mother. I was wearing her locket she gave me before I left today. It was given to her by her mother but my grandmother had kicked my mother out when she found out that my mother was pregnant with me. But my mother still loved her parents.

I got out of the plane and made my way out if the airport. The cool , chilly wind of New York City brushed my face. I shivered and brought my jacket close to me. A man was holding a sign with my name on it. I made my way towards him.
"Hello miss Russo. I am bex your father valet. Mr. Russo is going to meet you at home because he is currently arranging your room for your stay."he said.
"Thank you bex. It's nice to meet you." I said and sat down in a black convertible.

After 45 minutes we entered a drive way to the most beautiful mansion I had ever seen.

"Miss we are here." Bex said.
"Thank you bex."I said and he nodded. We headed inside. I saw a women in front of me. "Miss Russo, this is madam Alya she is the head maid of the house. "bex explained.
"Hello dear. You are so beautiful. Come on let me show you your room your step mother decorated. Currently everyone is at work or school. You can rest and arrange your belongings."she said and followed her to the second floor. She opened a black door which had my name in gold plate. I entered the room and closed the room door but not before smiling at Alya. It was just my type room. It was black and had a window so I could see the city .

I opened a door which lead me to the bathroom and my closet. I saw some clothes already in the my closet and I unpacked my bag. I kept a frame of me and mom on my desk. It was a photo when I was three years old . We both had gone to a fair and a man had asked for a photo because he was working on a photography project.

I strip off and climb into my bath and clean up. I go into my closet and wear my PJs.

I decide to take a small nap as the whole plane ride tired me out.

**After 3 hours.**
I groan after hearing some voices around me.
"Is she real." Someone says.
Then I hear a slap.
"Yes she is our baby sister...now let her sleep she may be tired. Let's go."someone says. My sheets are covered over my body and a kiss is placed on my forehead. I snuggle deeply into my bed and sleep.

After an hour or so I get up because I am hungry. I make my way to the kitchen and stand in front of the fridge looking for something to eat.
"Are you not going to eat anything??"a voice suddenly says and I scream and place my hand on my heart.
"Shit sorry..I didn't mean to scare you."a boy said. He was probably in high school I guess.
"Nico what happened??why did she scream??"someone asked as 4 more boys came in.
"She was standing here staring at the refrigerator so I asked her if she wanted something to eat but I caught her off guard. Sorry."nico said as he chuckled nervously.
"So are you my brothers?" I asked as I poured some apple juice in a glass.
"Yes we are Princess...I am Amator Russo your oldest brother." He said. Amator looked a bit scary..he had tattoos covering his hands and also had a gun in his pocket.

he had tattoos covering his hands and also had a gun in his pocket

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