14 : Beach

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I wake up and look around my room to find Greyson on his phone speaking something in Spanish. I make my outside. I am just in his t-shirt which he wore yesterday. I catch him talking in rapid Spanish. He seems angry.

"Ocúpate de todos los envíos ahora y no los vuelvas a estropear o los mataré a todos ".
(Deal with all the shipments now and don't mess them up again or I will kill you all.")

I wrap my hands around his torso and press my cheek to his back. He relaxes instantly. He ends his call and picks me up which causes me to squeal and giggle.
He throws me on the bed and hovers over me. He starts to kiss my neck as I slowly moaned. My hands run through his blond hair. I bring him to my lips and flip us over so I'm straddling him. I kiss him and start to grind on him as he keeps his hands on my hips. I see him grow under me and smirk. I break the kiss and run to the bathroom and lock the door.
"Oh no you don't....get back here princess!!" He yells and makes his way out of my room. I shower and come to my closet to pick my outfit today.

 I shower and come to my closet to pick my outfit today

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"Maddie please change...the skirt is too short!!" Ethan yells as I roll my eyes.
"No it's fine Ethan and it's not like I'm alone I have grey with me and we are just going to the mall." I say as he shakes his head and grumbles something.
"You ready.... wow you look hot!!" Greyson says and earns a slap in his head.
"Ouch...stating facts!" He yelled as he went to his car. I hugged my brothers goodbye and made my way to his car.
"Okay...we hurry with the gifts and come home and then we go to the beach today!!" I screamed as Grey chuckled and pulled out of the parking.
I went to different shops in the mall gathering gifts I choose for my family. I bought Grey a new iPhone because he had a really old version which Aiden managed to break. For dad and Amator I bought apple macbook. For kade and Noah I got nike Jordans. Choosing gift for Ethan was hard. That guy was very choosy...I bought him a wallet and some ties. For Elijah I got him a new Apple watch and a Bluetooth speaker. For the twins I got them matching skateboards and Ps5. Aiden loved barbie...so I decided to get her a doll house and a small real husky. She wanted a puppy and I convinced dad about it. I had seen the pup and signed the adoption paper of it. For Amelia I decided to get her a new make up kit and a trip to Bali for both of them.
For the girls I got all of us same bracelet with trackers.of course. And for the boys I got them beanies. I managed to get Air pods for Greyson as well when he wasn't looking.

Around 4 we reached home and kept all the gifts in my art room with the family pictures I had painted as a gift. All of the members had a special memory with me which I wanted to paint and give them as a gift.
I changed into a tank shirt and shorts which covered my bikini. I'm sure Grey won't like me to show myself like that. And I am for sure not a fan of bikinis myself.

I went to Aiden's room and picked her a swiming costume while she had a small bath

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I went to Aiden's room and picked her a swiming costume while she had a small bath.

I went to Aiden's room and picked her a swiming costume while she had a small bath

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I gathered her supplies and we ran down the stairs giggling. As we entered the living room all eyes were on us.
"Okay....um....let's get going. You with me . Now!" Greyson pointed at me as I smiled sheepishly.
I giggled and grabbed his hand and pulled him to his car. He had a different car today.
I heard some Snickers and hey's behind me.
Greyson opened the door for me as I got in his car. I saw all my stuff near his console. My lipbalm, eyeliner, scrunchie, extra gun, car keys and my favourite chocolates. I giggle as his hand starts to move on my bare thigh. I slap his hand as he chuckled.
We reach the beach in no time. I take Aiden's hand as we run to the waters. I pull off my cover-up to reveal my bikini. I decided to stay in my Jean shorts. I hear a growl behind me. I turn around to see Greyson and all my brothers looking at me.
I smile innocently and thank god Aiden drags me to the water so I escape their wrath.
Me and Aiden splash water on each other and play for sometime. I see the boys playing in the water nearby. Nico comes and picks up a squealing Aiden as I head back to Greyson who is lying on the sand with his shades and phone. I made my way towards him and layed down next to him.
"I hope you do know how many horny boys are seeing your body right now!!" He gritted.
"Yes I know...and I myself don't like to wear this...but I know I have some really crazy overprotective guys here with me and Aiden."  I say as I attempt to calm him down.
"Come here you big oldie!!" I say as he laughed. He lays his head in my lap as I play with his hair. Sometime later Raven makes her way towards us and asks Greyson to go play. He rolls his eyes but goes.
"Mhh...I see you and hunter getting close!!" I nudge her.
"Um... about that...we actually kind of had a fling and after you came...I thought you wouldn't like your friend dating your brother so we kind off you know..." She trailed off.
Oh I'm so angry now.
"You and hunter called off due to me. Raven you are not my friend you are my sister. And I have no problem whatsoever and whosoever hunter dates. It's his choice. And it wasn't necessary for you to call it off. Anyway I had an idea a about you. Those stealing glances at each full of love..." I laugh as she slaps my arm.
"Okay..okay jeez woman...have sympathy." I laugh as she pouts.
After our whole beach time we go home. Sadly Greyson has to go home because his parents are back. So I decided to wear one of his shirt and go to sleep. I hear my door open and both the twins slip into my bed and wrap me up and cuddle. I go to sleep on my brothers arms.



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