27 : Reunited

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Now it's been three days...three days since I heard any of my brothers saying love you...three days since dad hugged me...three days since I saw my besties.. importantly three days since I saw my boyfriend. I don't know how they are?? Are they even finding me??

Of course they are silky..they love you.

I know but what if they don't??

Yes they will now shut up .

Fine. Bye


After my little conversation with my subconscious mind I giggle. Since three daus Dimitri has been beating me and I still haven't told him anything and he has been getting angrier than usual.
Alaska and I talk. I have told her everything about my family, how I met them , how Anthonie first disliked me but then I became his little princess...I thought Alaska was hiding something but I didn't pester her about it anymore.
Dimitri was back again to hit me today and suddenly gunshots were heard all around the house. He ran out closing the door. I knew my brothers were here. I was happy.
My door opened and a shadowed figure walked upto.
"Remove it!!" I ordered. I knew it was Greyson. He had my mask tied around his neck.
"Maddie!!" He gasped as he quickly removed the ropes and we kissed.
"I missed you so much..I love you!!" He said as he kissed my forehead.
"Maddison..are you okay!!...is it Anthonie??" A franctical Alaska ran in with a gun and a baby!!???
"Yes it's him and whose baby is that!??" I asked her while we ran and I covered her with my gun and mask. Grey was leading us outside when I heard a gunshot. I turned around to see Anthonie holding his gun to Dimitri's feet as he screamed and collapsed on the ground. Alaska was now crying.
"No you won't die that easily..I want your daughter and my son!!"
His son???
Then me and Grey joined the dots. The baby Alaska was holding was her and Anthonie's baby..my nephew/neice.
I looked at Alaska and smiled I took the baby in my arms and cooed silently. She walked upto her father and Anthonie who was stunned to see her but I saw true love in his eyes. He stepped back to let her through.
"Save me daughter..they will kill me??" Dimitri begged her.
"Why should I?? Why didn't you stop when you were beating me??...why didn't you stop when I pleaded for you to stop!!" You made me lose my love once but not now...you made him miss my baby's 1st year of life!! You freaking killed your wife..for what!!?? YOU WERE NEVER MY FATHER!! HOW COULD SOMEONE LIKE YOU EVEN LEARN TO LOVE. YOU ARE A HEARTLESS MONSTER!!" she yelled and sobbed . Anthonie took her into his arms and hugged her.
"Take to the warehouse and secure it...we will have a great time with him!!" Amator ordered his guards.
"Thank you for saving me!!" Alaska thanked me as I handed her baby.
"He is really Anthonie...go with him." I said as Anthonie released me from his hug. I quickly ran to dad and jumped into his arms and cried.
"I missed you so much dad...I was so scared!!" I said the truth that I had managed to bottle up since three days.
"I missed you to princess...I was terrified!!" He said as he pulled me into his famous father hugs.
I let go of him and jumped into Amator's arms. He rubs my back as I cry.
I slowly hug all my brothers mostly the twins as they were worried and scared they didn't let me go.
We pilled into the van and made our way home.
"Who is that girl??" Dad asked me about Alaska.
"It's not my place...but you are actually a grandad and you guys are uncles while me and Aiden are aunts!!" I say as the boys cheer for Anthonie while dad smiled. I looked at Grey who is sitting opposite to me he gives me his signature smirk which tells me I am going to fucked tonight. I lick my lips and blow him a small kiss as he catches it.
I am literally pulled into a big hug by the girls when I entered my home. Amelia pulls me into a hug and cries. After we all have settled down in the living room I introduce them to Alaska and they coo at my nephew.
"So Anthonie tell them about her..while I take of him!! Birdy let's go!!"I say as I take Lorenzo (nephew) and Aiden and the girls follow me to the kitchen.
After I guess 15-20 minutes I am called out with Lorenzo. I see that only my family is sitting down. I make my towards Amelia who is now crying. I see my brothers happy Eli and the twins 1 are now sitting next to Amelia playing with Enzo.
Anthonie has Alaska in his arms as she sleeps from crying a lot.
I sit down next to twins 2 ( Nico and Hunter).
"Did you know??" They asked me as I smiled and nodded.
After everyone had a look at Enzo he was finally back in Alaska's arms.
"So in three months now, My second eldest son will be getting married and no one will stop it. I am a grandaddy..again. (Amator and Victoria had a baby girl but I forgot to mention that part as maddie was taken🙆🏻‍♀️)
Maddison will be the event planner as she is the best!" Dad finished as we all cheered. Anthonie pulled Alaska in for a kiss. I got up was going to hug dad..when my leg bucked and fell down hitting my head on the table.
"Shit.. Maddie...take her to the medic room...NOW!!" Someone yelled and I blacked out.

We rushed in to find Maddie on floor and her leg and head were bleeding. I quickly got next to her and picked her up while Anthonie and Elijah cleared my way so I could get in.
Dr. Colton saw her and quickly started to gather his necessities. They told us to wait outside and I was dragged out by Nico and Hunter.
"Why does it have to her??" I said as my sister side hugged me.
"She will be okay... nothing will happen!!" She said as I nodded.
After an hour Dr. Colton came out and allowed us to see her.
"Why didn't you tell me!! Are you okay... does it hurt??" I asked her as she fucking laughed.
"I'm fine.. nothing happened to me. Come sleep with me!!" She said as shook my head but still got in next to her and kissed her forehead and slept.


Lorenzo Theon Russo.

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