32 : Mia's truth

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I saw kade storm off to the hotel room after something happened. I heard some shuffling and crying behind the wall and went there to see Mia crying on the sand.
"Mia..hey hey...what happened??"
"I-its nothing Maddie...I should go!!" She cried and ran to hotel. I ran behind her to see her driving the hotel car to some hill. I quickly went into Kade's room to see him crying.
"Maddie...why does everyone hate me...I like a girl..I tell her I like her...and then she just thinks I am incapable to love. I want to love someone Maddie..I want a person to hold when I'm sad or depressed. Why can't I love mads??" He cried.
My big brother, who is supposed to be loved so much is crying in my arms and thinks he is incapable to love.
"No..kade...you are so much more...kade you are so strong...after all these anger issues and everything...you have managed to find a way through it. If you love me, Adrian, Lilian so much how much will you love the woman off your life, you will care about her, think about her all the time. I know you will kade. Every person is broken kade. And a broken heart is always sealed by a broken person. Mia likes you. She herself has told me. But right now we need to go because she was heading to the hill and I don't want her doing or thinking anything wrong." I say and he suddenly gets up.
"Let's go!!" He yelled as I ran and took a car key and kade got into the driver's seat as I shouted for directions.
"Please let Mia be okay!!" I prayed.
Kade was driving so fast that I had to hold on to the open windshield tightly.
As soon as we stopped car I saw mia sitting on the edge of the cliff looking at the sunset  crying. Knowing she is safe I call grey and tell him my location.
"Go..talk to her!" I push kade as he gives a hug and peck on my forehead.
I really hope Mia and Kade tell each other their feelings.

After I rushed by Maddie I drove to a cliff jumping hill and sat down on the edge hugging my knees. My mind kept repeating the kiss me and Kade shared, the sparks that shot through my body.
I know kade is my sisters half brother and it's gonna be so weird when they both find out. But a part of me wants to go and tell Maddie about it all.
" Ugh..I hate myself...why can't I just Kade that I like him!! I'm so stupid oh god!!" I groan.
"You like me!!" A astonished Kade is now standing behind me.

Okay..okay..calm down Mia..calm those nerves.

"Um... Okay...I like you kade...I really do but there is a small complication." I say as he stands there.
"Um...My full name is Mia Devon, yes daughter of the German mafia leader and technically Maddison is my youngest cousin sister by blood.
My mother had a twin sister which is Maddie's mother, my aunt and then you guys are her half brother's from her father's side. Which kind off makes our relationship weird. But to my story I really don't think I am the biological daughter of my parents because I don't have either traits of them. I really do like you kade but for time being I don't think we can work because I need to go to Germany to find my answers. If I am the real daughter of them then it may result in a war and Maddie is already being targeted by Russians like my aunt or so called aunt."
"Okay...I'm really confused..so you are saying you are related to my half sister from her mother's side and that kind of makes us brother sister...o my god...you are the adopted one!!" Kade screamed.
"Adopted one??" I asked a bit dejected.
"Look , three years at a secret source had confirmed about the German leaders daughter being adopted. I think Amator still has the video where it was confirmed. But we may have to visit Germany and get a adoption certificate or something" he said.
"Yeah...me, you , and them!!" He said pointing at Maddison who was now crying.
"Why didn't you tell me!! What were you thinking... leaving us without telling where you were going!!?" Maddison screamed as Grey shook his head. Grey is my best friend, ever since I was transferred here he always there for me.
"I'm sorry Maddie...I really wanted to but I wanted to be sure first."
"Shut up....blood or not Mia, you are my sister...you will always be my weirdo and no one can take her from me!!" She cried as I opened my arms for a hug. She ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I cried in jer embrace.
"Talk to him." She whispered to me as she gave kade a hug who was now handling her.
"I am your best friend right? Does that change anything? " He asked.
"Grey you were my first friend when I came here and knew that behind this bad boy thing there is a guy who wants love. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you but now I need my best friend to help me." I said.
"Come here you idiot!!" He said as we hugged.

"Okay...now let's get to the hotel." Kade said bit i held is hand.
"What happened?" He asked me.
Without thinking I brought him in a big kiss. The sparks that flew were never experienced. I grabbed his hair as we kissed. I heard a car going down the road. Kade picked me up as he kissed me back.
"What was that for?" He asked me out of the blue.
"I hate you so much, kade Russo!"
"I hate you to Mia Devon!" He said as we both kissed again.



Kade Russo.

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Mia Devon

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