38 : Rescue

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(Right one is given to Mads, left on is given to Mia)

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(Right one is given to Mads, left on is given to Mia)

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Someone was ringing the doorbell so many times that I went up and opened the door only to see my family and Stephan standing there with dark looks on their faces.

"Um...aa...come in." I say timidly.
Instead I am thrown over Anthonie's shoulder as they rest of them follow in.

I am thrown on the couch and all my brothers, cousins, grandpa, Stephan and uncle are glaring at me.
They all start screaming at me at once as I cover my ears.

"SHUT UP!!" Kade yells from behind them. Mia is descending the stairs now but stopped after she saw Stephan.

"D..dad!!" She cried as they both ran towards each other and hugged tightly.

"My babygirl...you are so beautiful!! Your mom would have been so proud and I am so sorry I couldn't find you!" He cried as Mia sobbed in his arms.

"No Dad... you found me only because of Mads and her mother and now we need to find her. She can killed anytime. Zaira is very cruel and she wants money and power more than anything." Mia said as a sad look dawned on my face.

"Baby, if you would have told us everything we would have come with you no matter what. We know your mother is someone you will die for but what will happen to us if you were hurt or something?!" Dad said as I cried.

"Oh..my baby..we wilp find your mother..comehl here." Eli said as he opened his arms for a hug. I ran into his arms as he gave me his famous hug.
I cried as he picked me up and sat on the sofa. Sometime later I felt someone rub my back. I looked up to grandpa.
"My piccolo...we have the plan ready...go get dressed. And I have a gift for both my sweet girls." Mia came and sat down beside me as grandpa gave us two huge cases. I opened my case to find a purple,sleek, black sword infront of me. I gasp as I pick up the sword.

This sword belonged to your grandma, she asked me to give it to you. Mia this sword is yours, I asked my capo to make it for you. Both of you are excellent in sword fighting, use them as your strength." He said as we both hug him.

I make my way to the room and find Grey staring at the city.
I wrap my arms around his torso as he sighed.

"What happened?"

"Just be careful...I don't want to lose you Mads. You mean so much to me and I can't imagine living without you. Promise me you will come back and then we will be together till end of time?" He asked me as I looked at him in shock.

"Is Greyson Castro asking me if I can marry him?" I tease him as he smiles.

"Not now..but in the future..yes, I can't imagine my future with anyone but you. But in all seriousness...I need you to come back!!" He says as I hug him.

"Yes...I will always come back to you be it anything or anyhow...I promise you Grey. I promise you we will have a great future together and I only want my future with you. Will you always be with me?" I ask him as he grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"Always and forever baby!!"

"Always!" I say and kiss him.

Right now we are all driving to the the German mafia house with atleast 200 soldiers just to kill my mother's crackhead sister.
"Okay..all earpiece working correctly. Grey and Nico will lead the underground team to the cells which are in the basement." Noah said as he looked at the 3d figure of the house.

"I'm going with them..I need to be with her." I say as they nod.

After telling the plan, me Grey and Noah get out near the tunnel with the team. I hug my dad and elder brothers tightly as they whispered me "be safe" or " take care" or "whoop their asses!" . Last one was kade.

"Okay, Xian you in lead with us in the middle, Xuan and Nico in the end with sniper and swords." Grey orders his soldiers as we put our dark glasses on and started to move towards the cells.
Kade and hunter were to be dressed in guards and enter the cells from the front door saying that they have to take my mom to zaira so the other guards don't find anything suspicious.

We came to the end of the tunnel and Xian opened the door to lead us up the stairs to the basement.
As soon as we entered the basement we found all the cells empty but there was light in the one. I made my way there to find my mom chained to the chair while zaira was holding a gun to her head.

"Maddison Russo, we meet again. How nice of you to come here yourself. Where is that nonsense adopted daughter of mine?"

"She is with her father, you never even adopted her legally and as for my mother what did she ever do to you?"

"She did nothing. Your right, she did nothing. She did nothing but still she was loved more, she was taken care of more, looked after more. She was famous in school, had a good reputation.
Where as me?, I was never loved, our parents overlooked me all the time I showed them a trophy or something. Was I even taken to the hospital when I broke my hand? Never.
She had everything in her life, she had a boyfriend, mom and dad , friends but I had nothing. But when her parents kicked her out for having you she was supposed to feel something but instead she left home without a word. I was jealous okay. Never in my was I given love ever and now I'm gonna make sure you don't get it Maddison." She said as she turned the gun towards me and a shot rang in the air.

I closed my eyes but the bullet never hit me. Instead I saw zaira collapse on the floor with blood gushing from her heart but then I looked next to me to see Grey standing in front of me with a ghost of a smile as he sank down to the floor holding his stomach.

"No!!... Grey.. Greyson...open your eyes... please you promised me!!" I cried as he barely moved.

"Mads.. baby, he is still breathing..let's take him to the hospital!!" Grandpa said as I was knocked in my senses. Mom was helped by Kade and Mia as we moved through the mansion. I was shooting every guard who came infront of me. We made our way out and I grabbed my uncle and Trevor by their necks and asked my people to lock them in for questioning.
We rushed Grey to the nearest hospital.

The only thing I knew is that I need him to be okay and come back to me.

Poor Greyson he's shot😭
~ eren.falls

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