33 : Mission at the club.

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Me and the girls were getting ready for our second mission and my brothers were getting on my nerve because the mission is in a club.

"You will not drink anything anyone gives you!" Amator said.
"Keep an arms length from drunk guys!" Elijah said.
"Those dress are a bit too short!!" Noah yelled as Selena shushed him.
"If anyone touches you kick his ass." Kade says as he winks at Mia.
"Be safe and keep telling your location to us." Nico and Hunter say at the same time.
"Guys...we are getting late!!" Anthonie said.
"Guys...we have Greyson , Nico and kade with us stop worrying!!" I said as I hugged Eli.
"Please be safe!" Both Amator and Anthonie told us.

We sat in the car and discussed the mission.

As soon as we reached the club, Grey wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked in.

"Are you in position?" Noah asked us.

"Good, Mads from your left we have Charlie  looking directly at you and Mia. Grey you and Kade have his hook ups eyeing you. Get in there and bring them in the room behind the club." Noah says as we mutter a small yes.
I look at Mia and nod as she goes inside the enclosure. I take a drink and stand outside. 5 minutes later Mia pokes me through tue curtain. We both look at a very drugged Charlie who is muttering very idiot sentences.

"If Anthy was here , he would have definitely taped his mouth!" Mia says as we lift his drugged ass up and make our way out faking that he is very drunk so the guards don't question us.
We walk to the back of our club, to the room where Elijah, Amator, Anthonie and Leon are.

(Leon is her uncles son, they will be mentioned in the story soon! There are more cousins!!)

We tie him to the chair and step back. I hug my brothers and cousin Brother.
"Hello piccolo!! I am your eldest cousin Brother." He says.
"Nice to meet you finally..the twins have told me about you so much!" I say .
I see Grey and Kade in the corner, Kade has a lipstick mark on his neck while Grey has one on his white shirt.

We both stand in front of them as they look at the ground.
"They were drunk , we had to get them in but they wouldn't budge." Grey says as Kade nods his head in agreement.
"Oh.. don't worry...I had to makeout with him too. Surprisingly he was a good kisser!" Mia says as Kade looks angry. I smirk at him as he drags Mia out of the room angrily.
"At least you weren't there." He mutters.
"Oh no...I hooked up with his bodyguard outside to distract him. He was a good one too." I say as Greyson looks mad at me.
My brothers are smirking at Greyson who is really angry now. I keep on telling him how he kissed me and all.

Greyson snaps out ofhis trance and picks me up over his shoulder. He makes his way out of the room with me.
"Grey!! Keep me down!!" I keep on yelling and hitting his back.
He slaps my butt and i Yelp.
"Keep quiet..I am already mad!!" He gritted as I slump on his shoulder moodily.
We make our way to his car. Mia and kade are nowhere to be seen.
He plops me down in the passengers seat and slams the door. With in the second he is the drivers seat of his Bugatti.
He starts to drive to a very unknown road.
"Grey, where are we going?" I ask as he looks at me and then back at the road.
"Greyson, you are scaring me...please talk to me..I'm sorry!" I say as he ignored me again.


"Look at me..look at me!!" I say and I pull his face toward me.
I trace my finger over the scar lovingly as I always do when he is angry.
"Talk to me..please..I'm sorry!" I cry as his head snaps up after hearing me cry.
"Mads..." He says but I cut him off.
"Do you think I liked it when that old, wrinkly, twice my age man stuck his tongue down my throat!! Do you it was my choice!! I didn't even say anything when that blond cow of a women kissed you. And you just assumed that I don't trust you enough?? I love you Greyson and I mean it!! I love you and i trust you because I see a damn future with you! And If you love me you wouldn't have to get angry if that oldie kissed me!!!" I cry as he has tears in his eyes.

"You.. love me.. why would you love someone as me?? I am so broken!! I'm not even strong, I get nightmares, I have scars..you can do so much better than me Maddison!!"
He literally didn't just say that. I slap him so hard that his head jerks to the opposite side.

"Why did you just slap me!!?"
"Because you are an idiot!! I don't care if you get nightmares and have scars!! They are not your weakness, they show your strength and power to me!! I don't care if you are broken, but I will always be here to pick your broken pieces. I don't want anyone else..I only you Greyson. " I say as kisses me. He pulls back and gives me a loving forehead kiss.
"I love so damn much Maddison I can't live without you!"

"Be my forever?" He asks me as I smile.
"Always your forever!" I say as he kissed me again.

He starts to drive the car again as we through the mountains.
"Where are we going?"
"To our secret hideout." He says as we drive in a comforting silence.

Sorry for the late update...I was actually working on my new book "ROYALS" which is published on my account.
This book wil be ending soon, but the life of Maddie and her brothers as parents will be in part 2,which won't be a new book. It will be included in this book only! I will be informing when time comes. Till then enjoy this books further chapters.
~ eren.falls

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